Syningia Sinningia - silhouette, cultivation, care, protection

More about the plant below:

Syningia, gloxinia (Sinningia)

category : potted, bulbous

position : sun

height : up to 0.3 m

wintering : room, 12-16oC

reaction soil : slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, permeable

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : white, red, pink, purple

shape : tufted

period flowering : May-September

seed : -

reproduction:leaf cuttings, tuber division

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : rooms

pace of growth : fast

Syningia - silhouetteThe position for syningiaSyningia - irrigationFertilization of syningiaSyningia - transplantingSyningia protectionAdvice

Syningia - silhouette

The preform of syningii was distinguished by small, straight flowers in red.Only as a result of breeding work it was possible to obtain a number of varieties with large, straight and full funnel-shaped flowers also colored white, purple and pink. Some specimens, such as syningia turned out to be two-colored flowers.

Syncing station

Syningia doesn't like sunny positions. As a plant originating from the rainforests of Brazil, it feels best in warm and semi-shaded places with high air humidity. TThe temperature in the place of cultivation should not fall below 18 ° C.If we decide to winter the bulbs, they should be stored at a temperature of about 15 ° C.

Syningia - irrigation

The substrate in the pot should be constantly slightly moist.Watering through the stands is the optimal solution, as the leaves rot quickly when flooded with water.

Fertilizing syningia

During the flowering period from March to August, we feed the syningia with fertilizer for flowering plants once a week.

Syningia - transplanting

Syningia is usually offered as an annual plant that produces small flowers after wintering.Whoever decides to have a two-year cultivation should plant the tubers at the end of February.

Syning protection

Plants must not freeze or soak from the roots, as this can lead to rotting of the shoots.


Currently, there are also commercially available forms with a compact habit and shorter leaves, the so-called multiflora varieties.

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