Bouquet Stefanotis

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Stefanotis bouquet Stephanotis floribunda is a climber belonging to the monkshood family. Its flexible shoots are 5-6 m long (it can grow up to 60 cm annually). Always green, leathery and stiff leaves are elliptical, dark green and shiny on the upper side. From May to August, compact umbels of wax, white or cream-colored flowers with a star-shaped crown and an intense fragrance grow from the axils of the leaves.

Stefanotis requires a lot of space and fresh air, but does not tolerate drafts. The site should be sunny and shaded in full summer in the afternoon hours. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 13ºC, in summer it is recommended to be between 15 and 24ºC.The dormant period runs from October to January. The plants are watered 2-3 times a week in summer, and once a week in winter with soft, lukewarm water. If the air temperature drops below the minimum, it should be watered when the soil in the pot is dry. Excess water can be fatal, especially in winter. However, the substrate must not be allowed to dry out.

Stefanotis prefers moist air.In summer, the plants should be sprinkled daily, in winter, once a week with lukewarm, soft water (avoid flowers). Very dirty leaves can be wiped with a damp cloth, but not polished.

Stefanotisa should be fertilized every 14 days during its growth and flowering (in spring and summer). We use liquid fertilizer with a concentration half the concentration recommended by the manufacturer.

Young, strong plants should be transplanted even twice a year (in spring and summer). After 2 years, once a year or every 2 years in the spring is enough. We shorten leafless shoots and pinch the tops to stimulate plant propagation.During flowering, the pots must not be moved because the plants are shedding their flower buds.

Stefanotis requires cultivation with a shackle or a pole.It can be led on a wall, a small trellis, an arch or against bamboo shoots - wherever you can enjoy the beautiful scent of its flowers.

Stefanotisa is best reproduced from January to March. Cuttings taken from lignified shoots with one, two or three pairs of leaves are treated with a rooting stimulator and then placed in the substrate. The seedlings are placed at a temperature of 25-30ºC under the foil. It is worth warming the substrate. Rooting takes 4-5 weeks.

Stefanotis is suitable for decorating large, moderately warm rooms. Stretched on the walls in greenhouses and conservatories, it will delight with hanging flowers in summer. It can decorate winter gardens, verandas, lobbies, but it does not work well in rooms with central heating. It looks beautiful next to supports for decorative plant management.

Stefanotis' he althy flowers and leaves

In order to successfully combat symptoms, it is important to recognize the cause of the problem. Stefanotis is sometimes attacked by scale, mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, and when the temperature is too high - also by whiteflies. Lack of light and excess water cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall. The yellowing of young leaves is the result of using tap water - the plant should be fed with diluted iron fertilizer only and only soft water should be used. Too high temperature and too low air humidity cause flabbiness and darkening of the leaves as well as shrinkage of buds and drying of the flowers. Too low temperature or moving the plant causes the closed buds to drop. As a result of polishing, brown stains appear on the flowers.

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