Strawberries, wild strawberries, tomatoes, sage or chillies can grow on our balcony. Flowering species will provide us with beautiful colors, and vegetables and herbs will provide a tasty harvest of fruit and spices, and in addition, throughout the long summer.
Flowers in a pure shade of white are opened bychrysanthemum bushy'Percussion Giga White'. Next tomint chocolateMentha 'Chocolate' enchants with the aroma of dark mint chocolate.Osteospermum'Rose Bicolor' flaunts pink and white tongue flowers.
Strawberry'Rosana' produces delicious fruit with a wonderful wild scent from the end of May until the autumn frostswild strawberriesThe beauty of her pale pink flowers is emphasized dark pink color of flower bouquetsverbena'Samira Rose', developing on hanging shoots.
Fire mosaic
Slender paniclessage omączonejSalvia farinacea 'Evolution' surrounds a clump of abundantly fruitingpepperschilli Capsicum 'Hot Banana'. Its creamy yellow, then dark red fruits have a pleasantly sharp taste.CzubatkaBrachycome 'Delight Dark Mauve' has lots of blue flowers, and 'Purpurmantel' sage is dressed in purple leaves that flavor fish dishes wonderfully. The arrangement ends with the bloomingpetunia'Calita Orange' from the Million Bells group.
This composition of summer herbs and flowers is dominated by white, yellow and silver colors. The young leaves ofsantolina greenSantolina viridis have an intense olive aroma.Gazania'New Day Yellow' shines with lemon yellow flowers. LeavesHelichrysum Italian'Aladin' has a curry aroma, and over a white pillowsmagliczki'Snow Princess' rises a sweet puff of honey smells. ShootslebiodkiOriganum 'Panta' are covered with creamy-green fragrant leaves.
Easy-care geraniums form a lovely background group. On the left side, pink-red flowers are opened by the Englishgeranium'Angeleyes Light', on the right the raspberry flowers of the Englishgeranium'Angeleyes Burgundy' shine. Similar shades are covered with the verbena flowers of the 'Burgundy Eye' with creeping shoots. Bushybasil'Magic Blue' has aromatic leaves, they are a great addition to the balcony fruittomato'Tumbling Tom Red'.