The author of the text is Katarzyna Pruchniewicz
The name of the plant genus Pieris comes from antiquity. In Greek mythology, we can find the story of the beautiful princess Pieris, daughter of Pierida, the Macedonian king.Unique pieris shrubs undoubtedly deserve this ancient "royal lineage".
Seven types of pieris are cultivated in Poland, the most popular of which is the Japanese pieris, Pieris japonica. In Japan, where it comes from, it reaches a height of 4 meters. In Poland, it grows up to a maximum of 2 meters.
Japanese pierises are slow-growing plants.After five years, they reach an average of 70 centimeters in height and width.The leaves are evergreen, leathery, clustered at the top of the shoot, dark green and shiny on the top. As they develop, they change their color. Young leaves are usually scarlet in early spring, turning green with time.
Flowers are produced in early fall, but do not open until the following spring, in March and April.Flowers in white, cream, pink colors
and scarlet flowers are tiny, gathered in dangling sumptuous panicles at the top of the shoot.The flowers are delicately fragrant and bloom for many weeks. The fruit is a multi-seed bag.
Japanese pieris is moderately frost-resistant. He adapted well in Lower Silesia, Opole and Pomerania. In central and eastern Poland, it requires shelters during severe winters.Planting pieris is not recommended in north-eastern Poland, where winters are the most severe.Pierisis are not the easiest to grow, so you should give them more care, at least during the first two seasons after planting.
Pierisy requires humus soils, with an acidic or slightly acidic reaction. In places where the soil is too sandy or too loamy add a lot of peat.They thrive in semi-shaded places, sheltered from the wind.These plants are sensitive to drought. The effects of drought can be felt not only during the growing season, but also in winter.
Evergreen plants, including pieris, do not dormant in winter, but only slow down the metabolic rate, i.e. limit growth.If the plant experiences drought in autumn and the winter is severe, it may dry out due to lack of water.
In winter, when the ground periodically thaws, the pieris should be watered. To prevent water from evaporating too quickly, you can spread bark or peat mulch around the plants. In spring, frozen shoots should be cut out as soon as possible, and faded inflorescence panicles should be systematically removed.Moreover, in spring long and rarely leafed shoots should be shortened. Feed the pierises with fertilizers intended for heather plants.
Decorative, shiny leaves, colorful young growths and small but lush flower panicles make pieris extremely valuable shrubs in any garden. These plants are especially ornamental in spring.They look best in single-species groups or in combinations with other evergreen plants.Pierisy belongs to the heather family and thrives among similar plants, for example heather, heather , squid, rhododendrons and azaleas.
Numerous varieties of pierisa, especially those with colorful increments and deep pink flowers, are the perfect companionship for rhododendrons.Dwarf varieties, on the other hand, are suitable for rock gardens, moors and Japanese gardens.