Many so-called wild perennials are as beautiful as classical ornamental plants. Despite this, they are still rarely found in home gardens. One of the few that has managed to do so is the ruthenium. It was due to its bipolar nature: its filigree stature is accompanied by endurance typical of wild perennials.
Place for the rute
The best position for the rute is natural flowerbeds at the edges of woody plantings, as well as around ponds and watercourses. Most species do best in places sheltered from the wind, where there is a light shade and the ground is moist. In terms of size, the Thalictrum delavayi species is unrivaled, with inflorescences reaching a height of up to 2 meters and often resting on the crowns of smaller shrubs.In strong winds, flowering stems without support may bend to the ground under their own weight.
Thalictrum aquilegif.webpolium, the inflorescence panicles of which are twice as high, is not burdened with this risk. The 'Album' variety blooms from May to July, creating filigree, but very durable, white and purple inflorescences. The 'Album' variety grows best in moist soil near a pond or on the edge of tree plantings. The Thalictrum Lucidum narrow-leaved moth can also be grown under the same conditions. This species blooms a bit later, from July, but it develops numerous shoots densely covered with dark yellow flowers.
Rutewka with other plants
Yellow rout Thalictrum flavum ssp. Glaucum impresses not only with beautiful shimmering flowers, but also silver-green leaves. This species can be used as a companion plant in plantings with perennials from the grand group.Due to its upright habit and considerable height (depending on the site, from 100 to 150 cm), it often plays the role of a foreground plant. A special position among ornamental plants is occupied by the lesser ruthenium T. minus 'Adiantifolium'. The name indicates that this species does not reach large sizes (it grows up to 40 cm). The 'Adiantifolium' variety is suitable for growing in a dry rock garden substrate. It creates gray-green leaves and greenish-yellow flowers.Rutewki is often grown as companion plants. In places in luminous shade, they can be planted with other wild perennials, such as: dotted grass Lysimachia punctata, forest geranium Geranium sylvaticum, common loosestrife Lythrum salicaria, meadowsweet Filipendula kamtschatica, woodworm Aruncus dioicus and the European bug Cimiciformis. In sunny flowerbeds, where the ground is sufficiently moist, tall rim can appear as companion plants in plantings with perennials from the grand group, delphiniums, hollyhocks and speedwells.