Sedum Sedum - silhouette, care, position

More about the plant below:

Sedum (Sedum)

category : perennials

position : sun

height : 5-50 cm

frost resistance : up to -20 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic, slightly alkaline

preferences soil : light, well-drained, sandy loam

watering : little

color leaves/needles : green, silvery, red

color of flowers : white, yellow, pink, red

habit : upright, creeping (depends on species)

period flowering : August-November

seed : -

reproduction:division, apical cuttings, rooting leaf rosettes

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : discounts, rockeries, balconies, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Sedum - silhouetteThe form of sedum growthSedum - position

Sedum - silhouette

The sedum family includes more than 500 species of plants, which share a common feature of thick, fleshy leaves, which make them able to survive long periods of drought and heat.Low species, such as acute sedum, are perfect for rock gardens, while tall ones, such as sedum and Carpathian, in ornamental bedding.

Sedum plants make a successful combination with both ornamental grasses and drought-resistant perennials, such as woolly purgatory and three-nerve anaphalis. Because they are characterized by a magnificent autumn coloration, they are also suitable for arranging with asters, rudbeckia and anemones.After flowering, the place of flowers is taken by pretty seed boxes, which are a valuable decoration of the winter garden.

Sedum growth form

Depending on the variety, the Sedum and Carpathian sedum plants reach 30 to 50 cm in height and have gray-green fleshy leaves.From August to September, they are decorated with densely arranged flower panicles, shimmering with various shades of pink and red.

Very attractive appearance are, among others, Varieties 'Matrona' (dark pink flowers and reddish leaves) and 'Herbstfreude' (pink-red flowers), derived from Carpathian sedum. The white-flowered 'Stardust' and the dark pink 'Carmen' are beautiful varieties representing the Grand Sedum.

Sedum - position

Tall sedum plants do best in a sunny position, in a well-drained, moderately moist, fertile ground.

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