Rose Sunshine Babylon Eyes® (Silhouette)

Thousands of rose varieties have been bred in the world, and new ones appear on the market every year.Undemanding, low shrubs with small flowers have become especially fashionable in recent years.They give a spectacular effect during flowering.

These roses include the BABYLON EYES® varieties, derived from the Persian rose that naturally grows in dry and cool areas from Afghanistan to Iran.Persian rose bushes grew in the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The most important advantages of BABYLON EYES® roses are: abundant and long-lasting flowering, eye-catching vivid colors, he althy, shiny foliage and high disease resistance.

The variety SUNSHINE BABYLON EYES® was introduced to the domestic market and entered the plant competition of novelties of the exhibition Green is Life by Bogdan Hajdrowski's nursery of ornamental shrubs in 2014. It is a compact shrub with a hemispherical shape, slow growth rate and long flowering period , grows up to 60 cm in height and a similar width.

Creates single flowers composed of 5 colored petals with gently wavy edges and changing color. These petals are dark orange at the top, red at the base, separated by a yellowish stripe in the middle.During flowering, the upper part of the petals turns pink and the middle stripe turns white.The yellow stamens gathered inside emphasize the red eye around them. The flowers don't smell. The shrubs bloom profusely in series, from late May to October.Bright green glossy leaves make a nice background for flowers.

SUNSHINE BABYLON EYES® roses look great in small home gardens, planted individually in compositions with other shrubs or in groups, on rose beds.This shrub is perfect for growing in containers placed on the sun balconies and terraces and in larger window or balcony boxes.It can be an interesting alternative to pelargonium or an interesting complement to compositions with seasonal plants.

Growing the rose 'Sunshine Babylon'

They do not cause problems in cultivation. They grow well in average garden soils. Thanks to their origin, they also cope quite well in less favorable conditions - they withstand drought, hot and dry air. The bushes should be planted in sunny places.In the east of the country it is good to protect them with mounds of soil or bark for the winter, and cover the shoots with sprouts. Even if the shoots freeze partially due to severe frost, the bushes quickly regenerate and grow back.

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