Recipe for the Garden: covering potted plants

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" The author of the following text is a reader of the magazine Provision for the Garden - Elżbieta Tomecka, Wojkowice Kościelne. "

Our terraces, balconies, and often gardens are decorated with beautiful plant species in pots. They are usually very sensitive to freezing.I suggest several ways to protect them without having to bring large pots to the basement.

1.Most species can be left in a quiet part of the balcony or terrace after covering them with insulating materials such as straw, mat, agrotextile, bubble foil or frost-resistant foam.

2.Pots with milli, clematis, palm maple or ivy can be placed in larger containers.Fill the free space with bark or sawdust and place it on a polystyrene base to protect the root ball.

3.Just before the frosts, I place the roses grafted on tall trunks horizontally on the vegetable beds. Then I cover it with earth, creating long horizontal mounds.In the spring I dig up the roses and put them in a quiet part of the garden.I water and wait for the flowers. This is a method that I checked and I sincerely recommend it.

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