Recipe for the garden: autumn in the orchard and vegetable garden

How to properly plant fruit trees and shrubs?

P:In my garden I have a small orchard with apple trees, pears, plums and cherries. I noticed that seedlings bought in nurseries or exchanged with neighbors differ in the size of the roots. When should I plant bare-root fruit trees and shrubs, and when with a formed root ball?

O:Plants in containers with a formed root ball can be planted throughout almost the entire growing season.Before putting them in the hole, it is worth adding half a bag or a bag of garden soil or compost to fertilize the soil and facilitate the development of roots.

After planting, the soil around the plant should be watered abundantly. As a rule, such seedlings take on easily, even when dug in in summer. On the other hand, bare-root trees and shrubs should be planted in a leafless state in early spring or autumn (e.g. at the turn of October and November).

In this case, the plants should be planted immediately after purchase, as the roots can dry out easily.

What to do to properly prepare a peach for winter?

P:Last year I bought a plot with a garden. There is also a small orchard on its territory. I have many species of fruit trees in it, incl. peaches. I know that they are not frost resistant. What work should be carried out in the fall so that these trees are less prone to freezing and enjoy their fruit in the next season?

O:Peach care and protection begins as soon as the tree is planted. It is a species that is quite sensitive to low temperatures. For cultivation, it is best to choose warm, sunny and wind-sheltered positions.


In late autumn, but not during frosts, the trees should be watered regularly and abundantly.This way, the risk of trees freezing up is reduced by preventing the occurrence of "physiological drought".This is a phenomenon that occurs on sunny but frosty winter days. The shoots of the plants evaporate the water and the roots are unable to extract the necessary amount from the frozen soil.

So let's make sure that the plants store more water earlier. This applies not only to fruit trees and shrubs, e.g. peach, but above all to evergreen plants, where winter water losses are much higher.

Frost guards

Peaches, especially young specimens, should be protected against frost by covering their trunks with permeable material, e.g. agrotextile, straw or jute bags.The material used for this purpose should not absorb too much moisture.

Other beauty treatments

Peaches are pruned before flowering to minimize the risk of spring frosts. In autumn, plants should not be fertilized with nitrogen (we end this supply in summer), because it also increases susceptibility to freezing.

What is the best way to fertilize your vegetable garden in autumn?

P:I grow various species of plants in my vegetable garden: carrots, parsley, onions, cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, etc. for even greater yields?

O:Unfortunately, most vegetables, especially onion, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower and paprika, have quite high soil requirements and should be grown in soil good quality, permeable and quickly warming up.The place for growing vegetables is already being prepared in autumn.The vegetable garden must be thoroughly excavated and plant residues, including weeds and their roots, must be removed.

Future flower beds should be fertilized with composted manure (this is an autumn treatment recommended especially on heavy soils, as it can be carried out on a light soil in spring).Natural fertilizer should be mixed with the soil, so immediately after its application, the plot must be plowed.The soil is enriched with manure, usually every 3-4 years. The doses vary depending on the plant species and soil properties, but usually range from 20-40 t / ha.

Horse manure will also be valuable for vegetable crops. Of course, you can also use compost and mineral fertilization, but rather with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.However, be aware that some of the ingredients will be rinsed out.

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