Recipe for the Garden: lawn diseases

Can I protect my lawn from fungal diseases? What factors influence the he alth of the turf? I am asking because I have to sow grass every year to hide some gaps. And I try to take care of my lawn like everyone else - I fertilize it, water it and mow it regularly.

The appearance of the lawn is influenced by:

- weather conditions,

- correct mowing,

- fertilization,

- hydration,

- grass pests and diseases.

It is important to recognize in time what "ailments" our lawn.

Grass yellowing

Yellowing can be a symptom of prolonged drought, as well as an overdose of nitrogen fertilizers. Then it will help to increase hydration.This way we will deliver the right amount of water to the soil and flush the excess fertilizer.Plan the feeding of the turf carefully and follow it. Avoid nitrogen fertilization during drought and autumn.

Yellowing can also be caused by insufficient nutrients or cohesive soil, which must be carefully loosened with a garden pitchfork.This treatment will provide the air needed for the roots.

Fungal diseases

Mold growth can also cause the turf to change color. Grass rusts with yellow or orange leaves usually appear on sparsely mown and fertilized lawns. They occur in late summer and fall.

Dieback of turf fragments

Dieback causes heavy watering or rainfall followed by heat waves. This causes stains and yellow or brown streaks on the lawn. If we exclude these factors, we should pay attention to whether our pets - dogs and cats - do not take care of the physiological needs of the lawn. Their urine can also burn and dry out the stalks.Such places need to be watered more often, and sometimes also sow some new grass in them.

Proper lawn care

Proper care will help prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases (brown and pink leaf spot, powdery mildew, snow mold, red thread formation). First of all, you need to remember about:

- removing dead, old parts of the turf (scarifying),

- proper soil aeration (aeration) at least twice a year - in spring
and early fall,

- proper fertilization,

- rare but intensive watering in the morning or during the day so that the leaves of the turf are dry before the night,

- proper mowing to 1/2 height,

- removing fallen and mown leaves from infected parts of the lawn,

- avoiding trampling on grass with snow cover.

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