Practical Gardener: spring planting and care

Decorative garden: common sunflower decorates and heals

Common sunflower is valued not only for its decorative qualities, but alsoproperties healingMedicinal raw materials areflowers ,seedsandoilFlower decoctions, applied externally, accelerate wound healing and relieve swelling caused by injuries, e.g. sprains ,administered orally- eliminatecoughandfever.sunflower seeds are rich in fats, proteins,vitamin B(strengthens the nervous system),E, Fandprovitamin Aand trace elements:zinc, potassium ,ironandcopper , which protect the body against atherosclerosis, regenerate the skin, nails and hair, support the work ofheartsand kidney ,strengthen system nervous It is worth adding that sunflower oil consumed with lemon juice prevents the formation ofstones gallstones

Balconies and terraces: unusual cascading pansies

Known primarily as a plant for cut flowers,alstroemeriaAlstroemeria aurantiaca, due tosimilarity to lilies and by origin called the Inca lily, it is also a plant that can be successfully grown onbalconiesandterracesIt has a stronggrowth ,strengthieasewcultivationInticancha series is especially suitable for container cultivation . There are four varieties in this group:white ,white-pink ,purpleandpurple-redflowers appearing on plants fromspringtoautumnabundant and long flowering is favored byremoval of fadedof inflorescences

Alstroemerie Inticancha feel best in sunny or semi-shaded places.The substrate should beslightly moist , the plants should also beregularly energized.After the onset of frost, the plant pots are moved to cool rooms. In spring, the shoots are pruned andplants are transplanted to fresh groundandplaced outside

Flowers at home: we breed sansevieria

SansewieriagwinejskaSansewieria trifasciata returns to favor thanks to new varieties with compact growth and interestingly colored leaves. The easiest way to reproduce sansevieria isdivision rhizomesGreen leaf forms can also be propagated bycuttings leafyFor this purpose, the leaf is cut crosswise into 5 cm sections and the bottom side is placed in the substrate. This polarity behavior isvery important , therefore often, for the markingupper page cuttings , trim it diagonally.

In varieties withleaves edged more difficultis to obtain a repetition of this feature in descendant plants obtained from cuttings - plants growing out ofbuds tiedin the green leaf tissue will have leavesuniformly greenTo avoid this, there is a trick to remove the green part from thebottom part cuttingsAfter placing the cuttings in the substrate, the cuttings are covered with foil and placed in a placeat a temperature of 22-26 ° C

Trees and shrubs: forsythia for small gardens

Forsythia 'Weber's Bronx' is a low dwarf shrub reaching a height of 30-60 cm. It is a variant offorsycja greenForsythia viridissima Lindl. Blooms early and sprinkled with bell-shaped yellow flowers, it is one of the most beautiful ornamental shrubs that bloom beforedevelopment leavesThis variety was bred in Vienna.

Its leaves are small, narrow up to 4.5 cm long, deeply serrated, densely embedded, in autumn they take oncolor dark purpleRequires In a sunny location, it will grow in any soil, provided it is not verydryorwetCutting forsythia should be done after flowering. It consists in trimmingshoots dryandfrozen shootsUserejuvenating cut every few years,cutting out the oldest shoots just above the ground. It looks nice when planted in a bed with earlyflowering perennialsandshrubs

Orchard: best cutting dates for fruit trees and shrubs

Tocutting trees pomei.e. apple and pear trees, previously started in JanuaryandFebruaryHowever, trees were often damaged by frosts that were still strong at this time of year, and pruning wounds healed poorly.The best, currently recommended by fruit growers,term cuts apple treesand pear trees is the beginning of spring - from Marchto the endAprilDuring this period you canalso trimplumsPeaches are a species sensitive to frost and wood diseases, therefore we cut them at the latest - inAprilandMayOther species, cherries and cherries, it is best to prune in summer after the fruit harvest, because thenare not infected by diseases

Most fruit bushes begin their vegetation quite quickly, so we shouldstart cutting early springafter the snow has come off. This is a good term for x-raying, i.e. removing excess old shoots ucurrants blackired , gooseberry ,vinesandblueberries high

March in the vegetable garden

Plant garlic

We are starting the spring planting of clovesgarlic spring('Jarus', 'Cyril') and the spring onion, i.e.small bulbs .

We prepare beds and beds

Determinebedsandbedsfor vegetable cultivation, and shallowly loosen the soil surface (to a depth of 5 cm) and level it. Grabresidues leavesandweeds , which we can use for compost. You can spreadmineral phosphorusandpotassium

We sow vegetables

At the end of March, when the soil is already thawed, we sow seedscarrot early ,fennelgardenandparsley rootYou can also sowseeds lettuce ,spinachas well asradishes

Legume seeds

At the turn ofMarchandAprilwe seedpeas sugar ('Bajka', 'Iłówecki') andłuskowy('Six weeks', 'Kalvedon Miracle') and broad beans ('Makler', 'Windsor Biały').

We cover the sowing

March sowing worthcover with transparent foilorwhite nonwoven , which will accelerate plant growth.

Covered planting

Under cover we continue planting lettuce seedlingsbutterandkruchejandkohlrabi .

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