Practical Gardener: September full of duties

Decorative garden: digging up gladioli

Like most geophytes that do not winter in the ground, we dig up gladiolus tubers before winter. The deadline for digging up tubers, bulbs and rhizomes of such plants is usually the end of September and October. We dig out the gladiolus about 2 weeks after the end of flowering. Early varieties are dug out at the beginning of September, and late varieties at the end of the month.When digging, be careful not to damage the tubers, so stick a spade at a distance from the plant.After digging, shake the plant off the ground and trim it shoots 10 cm long and leave for approx.7-10 days in a dry, warm and ventilated place to dry.

After this time, we can easily separate the young tubers from the dried up, used mother tubers and remove the remnants of the shoot, roots and numerous small adventitious tubers. The cleaned tubers are stored over the winter in a dark place at a temperature of 5 ° C.The incoming tubers can also be stored until the next year.They will bloom after a few years of cultivation.

Balconies and terraces: how to store tuberous begonia

Tuberous Begonia Begonia tuberhybrida is one of the most beautiful balcony and garden plants. Hundreds of varieties are cultivated with various colors of flowers (only blue and purple are missing).The flowers vary in size and the shoots are either upright or hanging down.Begonias bloom for a very long time - from June or even May until autumn. Even then, their life span does not end, because after winter rest they will bloom again in spring, and maybe even more beautifully.

This is due to the tubers that either grow or form the most at the end of the growing season.We only need to cut the frozen shoots 2-5 cm above the ground after the first autumn frosts, dig up the tubers, dry them slightly, and then, after cleaning the remnants of the above-ground parts and roots, move them to a basement or a cool garage.There they should winter until March in crates or cardboard boxes. It is recommended to sprinkle them with peat.

Trees and shrubs: for increased discounts

Creeping Juniper Juniperus horisontalis is a low shrub with creeping shoots. It has many varieties that differ in leaf color and plant height (from 3 to 40 cm).In gardens, it is used as a ground cover, which should be displayed on raised flower beds, rock gardens and low walls.Creeping juniper can also be led in the form of a low tree next to a stake, to which the main shoot is systematically attached .The shrub led in this way resembles a climber with shoots.

In the form of a small tree, this juniper is perfect for planting in containers, which are placed in exposed places to emphasize the appearance of the plant.This shrub has modest nutritional requirements, grows well in any soil, but not waterlogged.Requires a sunny position. Place the containers with wintering plants in quiet places and water them systematically.

Vegetable in September

Autumn sowing

In autumn, we plant vegetables resistant to low temperatures, which will winter in the ground, giving earlier crops in spring. These include spinach, onion, as well as lettuce and endive, and lamb's lettuce.Before the onset of frosts, they should produce 3-4 proper leaves, because in this phase they are the most frost-resistant.

Fertilize the beds after the harvest

Fertilize the beds after the harvest with well-decomposed compost or manure. This treatment increases the amount of humus in the soil and improves its structure. Organic fertilization should be applied once every 3-4 years.

We collect horseradish roots

At the end of the month we can harvest horseradish roots for consumption.To get root cuttings, we can harvest the roots later - in October or even November, because horseradish is a plant resistant to low temperatures.

Sad: rules for forming a crown with one guide

In the first years of growth, bending young twigs upwards is usually enough.With the help of weights or strings, they are given a horizontal direction of growth so that they form a right angle with the conductor.Remember also that a tree of this type has only one trunk forming the conductor.

If there are shoots competing with it, leave the one growing most vertically and remove the rest.In later years, cut out older branches, more than 3-4 years old, for a longer tenon. If the diameter of a branch exceeds half the diameter of the conductor from which it departs, then cut the branch because it is too old.

There should be thick branches at the bottom, and thinner as you move upwards.At the very top there should be only small fruit-bearing branches. By following these simple rules, we will keep the top narrow and the bottom wider.

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