Practical Gardener: late April / early May in the garden

Decorative garden in April

We multiply onions

As soon as the leaves of snowdrops, ranches orcebulicwither, we can start breeding these early spring plants.Dig up the bulbs, separate them and plant them individually in different places in the garden.

Roses come to life

Around mid-April, remove all winter coversshrubs rosesfrom freezing. In the spring, they will hinder the proper development of plants.

Ornamental grasses

Last year's dry blades of pampas grass,rozplenicaorreed,trim just above the ground to a maximum of 10 cm. The new green blades of grass will now have more space.

Pond after winter

Take out polystyrene discs or bundles of straw from the pond, which prevented the water table from freezing completely in winter . Place a water exchange pump in the pond.We still have to deal with catching dead, dead plant parts.

Supports for perennials

Tall stems of perennials, e.g.delphiniums , stand firmly and are less likely to break when supported. Various supports with hoops or a net were invented to secure the shoots.Placed in the bed as early as possible, they will allow the plants to develop freely and quickly disappear under the cover of the leaves.

Fertilization: proper plant nutrition

In addition to water, light and warmth, plants in flower beds and beds need regular fertilization. Nitrogen plays the most important role during the growth period.Fertilization provides plants with essential nutrients, but should also provide them with sufficient amounts of trace elements such as boron and iron.

Fully rational and ecological fertilization is based on the knowledge of soil quality. For this purpose, a laboratory analysis of soil composition should be ordered every four or five years.

Basic fertilization will be provided to the plants by using garden compost or fully organic and humus-rich fertilizer purchased from a garden store. During the period of the strongest plant growth, basic fertilization is supplemented with organic fertilizer with a high nitrogen content (such as hornmeal), an organic-mineral fertilizer mixture or a mineral fertilizer.

Vegetables are divided into groups with high, medium and low fertilization needs. Lettuce, legumes and onions need at most 1/3 of the dose that voracious plants like cabbage and celery will be satisfied with.Carrots, radishes, spinach and kohlrabi can be fed with a moderate amount of fertilizer.

Flowering perennials have rather low fertilization needs. For most, a small amount of compost (approx. 1-2 l / m2) in the spring is sufficient. Fertilize the roses with half of the annual dose at the beginning of April and June.

Special fertilizers, e.g. for rhododendrons or conifers, are more expensive, but convenient to use. They contain nutrients and microelements in the right proportions.

Balconies and terraces: Transplanting potted plants step by step

Potted plants should be transplanted before they even start to release young leaves.This rule applies to both plants overwintering in quarters and overwintering in the open air, such as boxwood.We replant them only when the soil in the pot is heavily overgrown with roots.

1. Blowing up

To loosen the root ball, we guide the blade of a long knife along the inner wall of the pot. Thanks to this, the lump will easily slide out of the pot. If, during planting, you notice that there are loose clods of soil in the container and the root ball protrudes only partially, we should stop transplanting, because it means that the plants do not need an even larger container.

2. Skincare

Most plants are planted in a new container as they were planted.Only in those plants where the lump is felted, the roots should be trimmed.Some of them are thus destroyed, but ultimately this treatment stimulates the development of new roots, which quickly overgrow the new substrate.

3. Planting

For planting, we use only fresh soil for balcony or potted plants. Place the root ball 2-3 cm below the edge of the pot. On top of it, we only pile enough soil to cover the roots.

The lawn should be fed, otherwise it will go wasted

The most common cause of moss and weeds appearing in the lawn is insufficient supply. In order for the grass to develop optimally, it needs to be supplied abundantly.Weeds are less demanding and will also grow where the ground is barren.So while the lawn is wasting away, the weeds thrive. You should also bear in mind that frequent mowing seriously weakens the grass, which in the absence of fertilizer condemns it to slow degradation.

At the beginning of the season and in early summer, the turf should be supplemented with a special long-acting fertilizer for lawns. The power supply cannot be forgotten at the end of the season, in September; then the lawn is fed with autumn fertilizer.Thanks to it, the grass becomes resistant to low temperatures and fungal infections.The fertilizer should be spread during rainy weather (the lawn can also be sprinkled).

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