Anioleandrowi , aniwawrzynowi , norolivesshort-term frosts cannot cause serious damage. Interestingly, their resistance depends largely on the current weather conditions; the morethe milder falls temperature , the more resistant the plants to cold, the more violent - the weaker. If the weather is to change dramatically from week to week, allfrost-sensitive plants pottedshould be moved to winter accommodation (this applies to, among others,in citrus and bougainvillea). However, the quartering cannot take too long; as soon as the weather improves, put the plants outside again.
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When ordering the garden, we should remember about all its inhabitants: hedgehogs, birds, insects. In order not to damage their natural environment and enable them to survive, a pile of brushwood or leaves should be placed in the less frequented part of the garden. In order for the animals to have enough food to eat, we leave the plants with seeds in the flowerbeds until spring.
In autumn, the seeds of those perennials are sown that need low temperatureto germinate , and evenprzemrożeniaThese perennials include:hellebore ,dyptam ashionolistny ,bells ,violet smelled ,gęsiówki ,cinquefoil ,fillers ,primroses ,tojady , anemones.Seedskokoryczy ,bedbugandhellebore ,pasque-floweranddelphiniumssprout difficult, so they are sown right after harvesting. We start sowing seeds at the end of October and we can do it in November or even December.
Seeds are sown on an even and slightlycompacted surfaceof the substrate and covered with a thin layer. Then the sowing should be plentiful but gradually andgently waterand place the containers inshaded placeIt is advisable to cover them withtwigs spruce ,pinesor juniperIn spring, at temperatures above 10°C most seeds germinate. From then on, we have tokeep constant humidity substrate , followed byquiltingand potting young plants.
Octoberis the month when most summer balcony plants end flowering and lose their decorative value.You can then replace them withflowering plants in autumnThe base of the composition should beshrubsalways green. They can be compact conifersgrowthordeciduous , likeboxwood ,irgaDammera or always green barberries, for example glandular.
Heathers are irreplaceable in autumn compositions. Here, donutvarieties, e.g. from the Garden Girls series, will be valuable, because they remain very decorative even after drying; among them: dark burgundy 'Larissa'. We introduce significant color accents by plantingautumn chrysanthemums.The whole can be supplemented with herbaceous plants with decorative leaves, e.g.old man.Grass and sedges will bring some lightness to the composition. , e.g.Japanese fescue, blue fescueorsedgeBuchanana.
Rowanberry Sorbus aucuparia enchants us in autumn with the beauty of orange to red fruits, which are food for birds, mainlybullfinch ,thrush,WaxwingandhazelnutFruits are also appreciated in the kitchen because they contain a lot of vitamin C and carotenes. Leaves turn orange-brown. Rowan has very low requirements. It is very tolerant of the habitat, grows well insandsandtoleratesshade
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Owoc jarzębiny pospolitej (Photo: |
There are horticultural varieties in cultivation, such as: 'Fastigiata' with columnar growth, creates a crownnarrow conicalo shoots uprightand stiff.'Pendula' is cultivated in the form of stiff trees with long, bent dangling branches, often creeping along the ground. Fruit variety 'Edulis' with larger fruit, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, which are sweet. There are also otherspecies hazel grousethat color the fruit white, such as S. cashmiriana, S. koehneana.
Autumn is the optimal period formaking limingsoil in the vegetable garden. After the vegetables are harvested, the calcium fertilizer is spread over the surface and mixed with the soil. In horticulture,chalk fertilizer(calcium carbonate) is most often used for this purpose, which is suitable for all types of soil - bothheavy , andlightLimelime oxideare only useful on heavy soils because they work faster and change the reaction of the soil environment more rapidly, and this could deteriorate the quality oflooseandweak structural gleb
Doses of calcium fertilizers in amateur cultivation are used as indicative - from 100 g ( light soil ) to 200 g ( heavier soil ) clean component (CaO) per m2. This month, we can also improve the fertility of the soil in our vegetable garden with organic fertilizers, incl.manureSpread it over the bed (5 kg / m2 is enough) and dig it withtop soil layerVery compost is a valuable fertilizer. For each square meter of cultivation, we use it in an amount of about 8-10 kg. If we sowed plant seeds for green manure on the plot, it must be dug up before winter so that it slowly decomposes in the soil.
Paradise apple varieties, such asapple tree flowery ,blueberry ,purpleand others are eagerly planted in home gardens, mainly due to their uniquequalities decorative In spring, these small trees are densely showeredwhite ,pinkorred flowers In autumn, however, they overlap in large numberstiny yellowishandcarmine apples depending on the species and variety. Their fruits, although small and not very useful for direct consumption, contain manyvaluable vitaminsandacidsThey can be a valuable addition to preserves, jam or wines.
Rajskie apple treesalso fulfill other important functions in the garden. Decorative apple trees are great pollinators of all dessert apple varieties. There is only one condition - apple trees shouldbloomat a similar time, both thosedessertandornamentalIf so we are not sure if we have good pollinators in the garden, it is enoughto plant tree rajskiej apple