Sedum plants - the best plants for rockery

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As soon as I became the owner of the plot, I immediately decided to set up a rockery. It was not a very complicated undertaking. It was enough to make a mound of earth in the designated place, cover it with stones, dry tree limbs and plant it with vegetation.

Plants for rockery

The choice of flowers for the rockery was not accidental. I learned that alpine plants, growing in difficult conditions, feel best in the rockery. One of them issedumSedum album. It is characterized by intensely green leaves forming a loose turf. White, tiny flowers appear from June to August.The plant is easy to plant and grows rapidly. It then resembles a gorgeous green carpet. It tolerates severe frosts well and does not require protection against winter. The white sedum is beautifully combined with other rock perennials, including carnations, hellebores, alpine anemones, angels, swarms and swarms. Each of them blooms at a different date, thanks to which my rockery delights with a variety of colors throughout the year.

Recommended varieties of rhododendrons

There are many varieties of sedum. They are all equally resistant to unfavorable soil and weather conditions and all delight with their diversity. In addition to the sedum sedum, the most popular varieties are:

  • acute sedum- blooms from June to August with intense yellow flowers,
  • Caucasian sedum- reaches a height of 10-20 cm and has purple flowers,
  • six-row sedum- it is honey-bearing, so bees and butterflies eagerly visit it in summer.

Joanna Zaremba

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