Q: Can I mow the leaves of bulbs on my lawn?
O:Plants bulbshavespecific requirements After flowering, the onion is devoid of spare substances and must accumulate them fornext springIf intime mowing of the lawnits green leaves are cut, it will not accumulate reserves and it will not bloom in the nextgrowing season
It is recommended to plant bulbs on the lawn in clusters that can be avoided during mowing untilmoment yellowing leaves It is worth planting them under shrubs and deciduous trees near theborder with the lawnPlanting bulbs inspecial baskets , we will limit the expansion, but every few years you will have to take them out ofgroundandremove old bulbs , leaving room for new generations to form.
An interesting phenomenon can be noticed in snowdrops. They can defend themselves against mowing. The snowdrop leaves are surrounded bydelicate trussthat keeps the plant inposition vertical. When the flowers fade and heavy fruit appears, the bundle breaks and the leaves, together with the flower stems, lie flat on the ground. Thanks to this, the plantavoids mowing mower
Q: How to multiply a canna?
O: Kanna is multiplied bydivision rhizomes In autumn, the shoots are trimmed approx. 20 cm above the ground, then the rhizomes are removed and stored with the rest of the soil indryanddark roomwhere the temperature does not exceed 10 ° C. Cover the rhizomes with sand or bark to prevent rottingor theircomplete drying outLarge rhizomes in March is divided into fragments so that each of themhas several donutsPlace them in pots and arrange them at a temperature of about 12-16 ° C. In mid-May, the plants are transplanted intolarge containersorsoilandwatered
Q: Do we keep the bulbs of tulips planted in a teddy bear in autumn in the basement, or can they remain in the open air?
O:Tulipsplanted in teddy bears should be winter outdoors. It's bestto pit the bowlandcover with bedding If it is to stand on the balcony, it must beprotected against too much Then place it on a thick cardboard or on a polystyrene board that will protect it from the bottom. The sides of the bowl can becovered winter agrotextileWintering in the basement at temperatures above zero cancause premature emergence of shoots