PiO: coffee cultivation, sundevilla without secrets

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P:Please, how to grow coffee?

O:Coffee is grown at home insemi-shadedoreasternorwesternwindow. The plant likes space and lots of fresh air. In winter, it is a good idea to provide it with a little more light. During the growing season,coffeerequires more air humidity, so it should then be sprayed. During this time, it is also fertilized every 10 days withcompound fertilizerfor rhododendrons. The dormant period is from October to March.During this time, the temperature should be within the range of15-20 ° C

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Fruits of coffee (Zdj .: Fotolia.com)

It is worth knowing that coffee tolerates a drop in soil temperature below 16-18 ° C worse than a drop in air temperature. Also remember not to letdry outsolidrootBoth deficiency and excess water cause leaves to fall . Only soft water should be used for watering. Coffee is refilled quite regularly. The roots must not be allowed to outgrow the pot. The new pot should be2-3 cmlarger than the previous one, becausetightcontainercauses yellowingandfallingleaves

P:Please answer the name of the plant in the picture. I don't know what the requirements are, whether it is easy to grow and whether it is suitable for the garden. How do you deal with the aphids that have attacked her this year?

O:The plant shown in the photo isDipladenia sanderi , also found under the nameMandevillalubSundavillaIt is a popular garden climber in southern Europe. It comes from the forests ofAmerica Southand belongs to the toinaceae family. There are varieties withwhite ,pinkandred flowersBlooms long until frost.

In our climate, it is a potted plant that can be exposed to the air duringgrowing season . Requires a semi-shaded position, moisture in theairandsoil , but water must not remain in the base.Dipladeniafertilize, just like other plants, once a week with compound fertilizers forplants flowering In autumn, you can cut it a bit and put it in the apartment, and in January and February it can be placed inroom coolerwith a temperature of about12-15 ° C

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Kwiatnąca na Różowo Sundavilla (Photo: Fotolia.com)

During this time, the dipladenia is watered sparingly, just enough to keep the roots from drying out. It should have the place, as soon as possible in winter,brightestIf in autumnwe trimmed shoots , it can be done in February. If we notice leaf curl, it may be a symptom of too dry air or too bright a place.System rootdipladenii is highly developed, so in spring you should remember to replant it tolarger potsandfertile substratewith good drainage.All parts ofdipladeniiare poisonous.

During vegetation, aphids appear, especially on plants standing outdoors, which should be foughtwith different with preparations , using them alternately, because subsequent generations of these pests easily become resistant. Preparations based on garlic andgrapefruitreducediseases fungaland strengthen the plant in general.

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