Grooming without secrets (Recipe for the garden)

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What will grow at the northern exhibition?

Q:I recently rented a new apartment. Unfortunately, both the windows from the room and the kitchen face the north side. I know most flowers need sun. Perhaps, however, there are some species of houseplants that survive in such conditions?
Izabela B., Opole


The answer from the Garden Recipe expert: "

O:The northern exhibition is suitable for all plants that bear or prefer shade locations. These include:

  • Spathiphyllum,
  • aspidistra was equal to Aspidistra elatior,
  • zroślicha Syngonium,
  • monstera Monstera,
  • Chlorophytum herb,
  • sickle fern Polystichum falcatum,
  • fatsjobluszcz lizjański Fatshedera lizei,
  • fitonia Fittonia verschaffeltii,
  • maranta Maranta,
  • pilea Pilea,
  • elegant chamedora Chamaedorea elegans,
  • common ivy Hedera helix,
  • different Ficus species,
  • aglaonema Aglaonema,
  • Sansevieria coil,
  • different species of Dracaena Dracaena,
  • Philodendron Philodendron,
  • fern elk horns Platycerium,
  • royal begonia Begonia rex,
  • zamiokulkas zamiolistny zamioculcas zamiifolia.

The listed plants do not like direct sunlight. However, they will feel great in diffused light, which is the light at the northern exhibition. These flowers are grown mainly for decorative leaves, so we fertilize them with preparations intended for green plants.

What are the frost-resistant varieties of ground cover roses?

P:In my garden I have last year's beautiful ground cover rose bushes. Unfortunately, I have the impression that the frost has already hurt them. Please
for tips on which varieties are frost-resistant.
Hanna P., Toruń

O:3 varieties of ground cover roses have total frost resistance. They are:

  • 'Ritausma' - with large, full, cream-pink flowers. The bush is quite tall and grows up to 150 cm.
  • 'Poppius' - has medium-sized, full pink flowers. This variety produces interesting black fruits. Reaches 2 m in height and sprouts outgrowths.
  • 'St. Tereska z Lisieux '- the lowest ground cover shrub with total frost resistance. Reaches only 30-40 cm in height. Blooms profusely in white, full flowers.

Do climbers tolerate partial shade?

P:My wife and I bought a plot of land in an old pine forest. Due to the trees, partial shade prevails everywhere. In spring we want to plant some pretty flowering vine by the pergola. What will it grow in these difficult conditions?
Piotr C., Aleksandrów Łódzki

O:The shaded stands are actually not conducive to the vines, so the choice is limited. There are clematis 'Kermesina' with burgundy-pink, single flowers and 'Polish Spirit' with dark purple flowers, as well as single flowers.

It tolerates shade well and also looks impressive - climbing hydrangea - it creates small, white flowers, gathered in large, plate-shaped inflorescences. Another vine worth recommending is the arborvitae. Its flowers can hardly be called "pretty" - they produce yellowish-green trumpets.

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