WE COVER WINTER VEGETABLES IN THE GROUNDVegetables still in the ground can be covered with flat covers, e.g. white fleece or transparent foil, under which they will be better protected against frost.
LOAD THE SOILAfter the finished cultivation, dig the beds with a spade or pitchfork. Light soils should be loosened shallower so as not to deteriorate their structure.
PRE-WINTER OVERVIEW OF TOOLSGardening tools and equipment that are not going to be used this year must be cleaned, preserved and stored in a safe (dry, insulated) room.The pre-winter review also applies to seeds, fertilizers and chemical preparations that will be useful in the next growing season.
WE COVER HERBSWarm-loving herbs, such as thyme or rosemary, do not tolerate autumn rains well. It is a good idea to cover the plants on all sides with foil stretched over thin poles. Such a makeshift roof protects the crops very well against moisture, which is one of the causes of the spread of fungal diseases.