Chinese Kolkwitzia amabilis - cultivation, care

More about the plant below:

Chinese collision (Kolkwitzia amabilis)

category : shrubs

position : sun

height : 1 - 2 m

frost resistance : up to -20 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly alkaline

preferences soil : fertile, humus, sandy loam

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green, yellow

color of flowers : pink

shape : bushy, branchy

period flowering : May-June

seed : -

reproduction:apical or woody cuttings

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : balconies, discounts, parks, terraces

pace height : medium

Chinese quote - silhouetteChinese collision - developmental featuresPost for kolkwicjaKolkwicja reproductionChinese Calvary - careChinese quote - applicationAdvice

Chinese Quill - silhouette

Chinese Quince is valued for its elegant habit, interesting foliage and abundant flowering.She came to Europe over a hundred years ago. Its generic name commemorates Richard Kolkwitz, a Berlin botany professor.Fragrant light pink to pink flowers appear in late May and early June.Chinese Calvary comes in several garden varieties.

Chinese Quince - developmental features

Kolkwicja reaches a height of 2 to 2.5 m, it grows widely.Shrubs belong to the group of medium-tall.Adult specimens have picturesquely overhanging shoots, which are a characteristic feature of this kind.

Post for collision

For cultivation, choose sunny to semi-shaded positions.Shrubs do well in virtually any garden substrate.They prefer light, sandy-humus, slightly moist soil and easily adapt to local development conditions. Chinese collections are said to be he althy and durable.

Colquition propagation

Kolkwicja is propagated in autumn by cuttings.Herbaceous cuttings are rooting under covers in mid or late June.It can also be propagated from seeds, although it is more labor-intensive.

Chinese Quill - care

After flowering, it is recommended to remove the oldest shoots, cut them just above the ground. As a result, the shrubs bloom more abundantly. It is advisable to make an X-ray cut every 2-3 years.Kolkwicja copes well with the summer heat.

Chinese Quotes - application

Chinese Quince is suitable for solitary and group planting.In autumn its leaves turn a nice brown color.


To grow in your home garden, it is worth choosing the abundantly flowering 'Pink Cloud' variety with pink flowers.

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