
Chinese quilt is a real delicacy in the garden, because when it blooms, it attracts attention with numerous pink and white flowers, which often obscure the leaves while developing. Single flowers, 2 cm long, are pink and white with a yellow-orange spot in the throat. The flowers are placed along the last year's branches, which hang arched under the weight of the flowers.

Chickweed shrubs in natural positions in China grow up to about 5 meters, while in cultivation in Poland they are lower and reach a maximum of 3.5 meters. The shoots and young leaves are ovate or elliptical in shape, with a clearly drawn tip, covered with soft, delicate hairs.Older shoots are covered with light brown bark, which peels off in jagged stripes with age. The flowers develop in late May and early June and end their flowering in July. Young plants reach full flowering in the 3-4th year, but on condition that they were propagated in the nursery from herbaceous cuttings, i.e. vegetatively. Plants propagated from seeds do not bloom as quickly, and sometimes they start flowering between 10 and 15 years of age.

Chinese Collision and its requirements

Kolkwicja grows best on loamy and sandy loam soil, which is rich in nutrients. We plant it in a sunny position, as it conditions abundant flowering. Partially shaded and shaded positions limit flowering. Chickweed shrubs can be planted all over Poland because they are frost-resistant, and during very severe winters only single one-year-old shoots freeze.

Variations of colloquition

Nurseries most often breed 'Pink Cloud' with a darker color of flowers than in the typical species. Sometimes 'Kellokas', 'Maradco', 'Rosea' and 'Syvdal' varieties are also available.

Propagation of this plant

Kolkwice is best propagated from herbaceous cuttings prepared during flowering or shortly after flowering. Seedlings should be taken from profusely flowering shrubs. 2-3-node herbaceous cuttings root best, which are placed in a sterile substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sand, in a greenhouse or a foil tunnel. In high humidity and temperature, i.e. around 23 ° C, they take 3-6 weeks to take root.

Use of Chinese Colloquia

Kolkwicja is a shrub that can be planted in virtually any garden. It can also be planted in parks and in the green areas of housing estates. It looks nice when planted singly or in groups, it also looks very impressive in rows, especially during flowering. Kolkwicja looks great on flowerbeds in color combinations with other shrubs, for example shrubs, varicose veins, physalis or jasmine trees.Cut twigs are useful for accelerating flowering in plant compositions.

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