Nephrolepis Nephrolepis ex altata - care, protection

More about the plant below:

Nephrolepis (Nephrolepis ex altata)

category : potted

position : partial shade

height : up to 1 m

wintering : room, 15-18oC

reaction soil : acidic

preferences soil : permeable, humus, loose, fertile

watering : a lot

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : -

shape : tufted

period flowering : -

seed : -

reproduction:separation of propagules (young plants)

persistence leaves : evergreen

application : rooms

pace height : medium

Nephrolepis - silhouettePosition for nephrolepisNephrolepis - irrigationNephrolepis fertilizationNephrolepis - transplantingProtection for nephrolepisAdvice

Nephrolepis - silhouette

Nephrolepis is a very elegant fern that easily assimilates in housing conditions. This species comes from the tropical forests of South America.Individual varieties differ in the structure of leaves - in some varieties they are less, in others more divided. Stems reach a length of 1 m and usually take an arched shape. There are also varieties in which the shoots are folded or twisted.

Nephrolepis post

Nephrolepis has the highest lighting requirements among all ferns offered for residential cultivation. Prefers bright, but not sunny locations.All ferns like high humidity in the place of their cultivation.The higher it is, the higher the ambient temperature can be. In winter, the mercury should not fall below 18 ° C. The best conditions for growing nephrolepis are in bright bathrooms.

Nephrolepis - irrigation

The root ball of the nephrolepis must never dry out. Water the ferns regularly, but in moderation so as not to overflow the soil.

Nephrolepis fertilization

From spring to autumn, we feed the plants every 2 weeks, and in winter every four weeks, using a standard fertilizer for green plants.

Nephrolepis - transplanting

Replant the ferns approximately every two years if the root ball is heavily overgrown with roots.

Protection for nephrolepsy

Regular sprinkling with soft water improves development conditions, thus reducing the risk of spider mites and scales.


Fern can be easily multiplied by stolons; these grow during the summer.

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