Nasturtium is particularly beautiful among annuals with ornamental flowers and leaves.Its varieties, usually found in gardens, are hybrids of several species with different growth strength.These species include: Greater Tropaeolum majus, Tropaeolum peregrinum (both form long shoots) and Tropaeolum minus less (short stems).
In gardening stores, we usually buy seeds of three varietal groups:
Low-rise nasturtiums are mainly suitable for balconies.Nasturtium is very easy to grow, but it is sensitive to low temperatures and does not tolerate transplanting.For this reason, seeds (ribbed peanuts) are not sown directly into the ground in mid-May.
In April, however, we can sow them into hanging containers (pots or boxes), which we place in a bright, warm room (on a sunny, warm day, it is worth putting them on the balcony). The earlier sowing date will make the balcony become colorful faster.