Flowers first, then leaves

The perennials we are talking about here are completely unusual - inseason essentialthey decorate the flower beds with beautiful flowers and then embellish them attractive leavesAnd often for a period of several months. We will appreciate it especially in winter, when afterwonderfully floweredand fragrant flower beds, only a distant memory is covered with a layer of snow. Then each piece of green is onweight gold

Perennials that keep their leaves through the winter

The bestproven perennials , often keeping nice leaves throughout the winter, include:in Ground cover species such asdesire Siberianandrunianka Japanesewhich is actually ashrub , just likeperiwinkleBergenia is very good as cold-resistant decorations,wolczomlecz migdałolistnyandyuka

Leavesbergeniiare extremely durable, which is easy to tell just by their appearance. What is surprising, however, is the strength of the delicate leavesepimediumTheir appearance is also impressive - on the leaves of durable varieties, such as 'Sulphureum', 'Frohnleiten' and 'Orangekoenigin', appears after the first frostscharacteristic ,reddishdrawing

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Epimedium Frohnleiten (Photo:

Epimedium should be planted in a shaded position as a ground cover plant. At the turn ofspringandsummer , delicate flowers rise above the leaves appear.Epimediumgrows slowly, therefore it should be planted at a density of 16 pcs / m22Also some varieties of cranberry, such as' Velvet Night ',' Palace Purple 'and' Amethyst Myst ', they blush only in the cold. And it'salmost literally , because as a result of low temperature nerve connections, forming on the leafeffectivespider web , become even moremore expressive

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the crane,tiarellaor e.g.kuklikwill survive the winter without damage. For these plantsmost unfavorable aurais when frost occurs alternately in the period before Christmas and the thaw.Therefore, in the professional language, the term " evergreen green " is not used in relation to many species of perennials, but " evergreen ". Perennial leaves survive for severalwinter weeks , but eventually turn yellow (at the latest in early spring) and are replaced with new shoots.

Also be colorful in winter

Truly evergreen plants are the previously mentionedshrubs :runiankaand periwinkle. Of the completely evergreen perennials, we can mention the European hoof. All of them requiresemi-shadeandshadow positions.

An interesting feature is the foliage of some species of geranium, incl.bodziszka rooted ,CantabrianiDalmatianA variety of colors we can admire in autumn, it is a work of old leaves, which shortly after thisspectacular of the performancefall and give way to smallerleaves winter These, in turn, persist until spring and are later overgrown by new, larger leaves.

The hellebore is the pearl of the winter garden: the helleborewhiteandhellebore easternBoth stand out nicely shaped leaves. However, when in December (uhellebore white ) and in February (uhellebore eastern ) flowers appear, leaves fade into the background and constituteflowers kind embellishments Hellebore easterncharacterized by flowers ranging fromwhite ,pink,greentopurple , sometimes with darker flecks.

All species of hellebore areplants poisonous . They should grow in a permeable, humus substrate withconstant moistureand, importantly, in a semi-shaded place.

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