The most common diseases of yucca

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Yuki, in addition to growing in pots, are also more and more often grown outdoors.The most common diseases that attack this plant include soft rot, anthracnose and yucca leaf blotch.

Symptoms of soft rot, caused by bacteria, often appear when the substrate is watered excessively. Dark discoloration can be noticed at the base of the leaf blade, followed by the drying of the leaves.

A plant with such symptoms is best discarded, because there is no chance of being cured.In the case of anthracnose leaves, there may be relatively large, elongated, dark spots on the leaves.The affected leaves then turn yellow and dry.

The spots caused by Coniothyrium concentricum, the causative agent of yucca leaf blotch, are different from anthracnose. The spots are approximately 3-6 millimeters in diameter and are surrounded by a dark border. The leaf blade turns yellow around the spots.Prevention of diseases caused by fungi is mainly based on rational watering.

Avoid wetting the leaves when watering as spores washed off stains can end up on he althy leaves.The infected leaves are removed from the plant.When the first symptoms are noticed, the treatment can also be performed with the use of appropriate preparations.

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