March in the orchard and vegetable garden

Table of contents

THE END OF COVERINGS.We remove covers that protect trees and shrubs against frost.
trunks of young trees were not damaged by rodents in winters. If the bark is bitten, the wound is covered with a preparation with a fungicide.
CUTTING TREES.We start cutting apple, pear, plum trees and berry bushes. Remember to perform pruning in dry weather and to protect wounds.
NEW PLANTING.If weather conditions allow, we can start planting new trees and shrubs. Nursery material should only come from good nurseries.Each tree should have a label with the name of the variety and rootstock.

A few remarks on the sequence of work while cutting treesFirst, cut the boughs and branches that grow too low for the wedding ring, lie on the ground and interfere with e.g. mowing the grass under the tree. To prevent the spread of diseases, we make a sanitary cut, which should be done at least once a season. This procedure is based on trimming all branches heavily infested with diseases and pests, with visible cankers or rubber leaks to a he althy place. Be sure to cut out shoots that broke in winter under the weight of snow or in summer when there were too many fruits. Open wounds are an excellent place for pathogens to penetrate. We cut the branches that cross, overlap with others and ingrow to the center of the crown. We remove branches that thicken the crown too much. When there are an excessive number of mutually shaded shoots, the fruit will be small and not very tasty.If the tree grows too much upwards, you need to lower its height by cutting the strongest branches in the upper part of the crown into a ring. To rejuvenate the crown of an old tree, let's cut off the oldest growths completely. The following year, young shoots will appear in this place. Wolves that appeared after a strong pruning in the previous year (except for peaches) should be removed. After cutting, we protect the wounds with a suitable preparation.


PLANT GARLIC.We start the spring planting of spring garlic cloves ('Jarus', 'Cyril') and the spring onions, i.e. small bulbs.
PREPARE THE TRAILS AND PLOTS.Mark out the beds and beds for growing vegetables, and the surface of the soil should be shallowly loosened (to a depth of 5 cm) and leveled. We rake up the remains of leaves and weeds that can be used for compost. You can spread phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
WE SOW VEGETABLES.At the end of March, when the soil is already thawed, we sow early carrot, fennel and parsley seeds into the ground.You can also sow seeds of lettuce, spinach and radishes.
SIEJEMY LEGUMES.At the turn of March and April, we sow sugar peas ('Bajka', 'Iłówecki') and husk peas ( 'Six weeks', 'Kalvedon Miracle') and broad beans ('Makler', 'White Windsor').
WE COVER THE SEEDS.The March crops should be covered with transparent foil or white fleece, which will accelerate plant growth.
PLANTING UNDER COVER.Under covers we continue planting butter and crisp lettuce and kohlrabi seedlings.

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