Deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs with hanging habit

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-Silver birch'Youngii' Betula pendula. Slow-growing (up to 4-6 m) tree with an umbrella-shaped, strongly hanging crown (4-6 m in diameter).Slack branches reach the ground.Light green in spring, yellow in autumn. Suitable for planting in exposed places and near water reservoirs.

-Common beech'Pendula' Fagus sylvatica. A tree with picturesquely hanging branches and an overhanging top. It grows slowly, grows up to approx.20 m. This variety can be planted singly on lawns. There are also varieties reaching smaller sizes with dark purple leaves: 'Purpurea Pendula', 'Purple Fountain'.

-Siberian Karagana'Pendula ’Caragana arborescens. Shrub 1-1.5 m high, usually grafted onto a rootstock.The branches hang down close to the trunk and reach the ground.Honey-bearing yellow flowers appear in May. Resistant to environmental pollution, it grows well in urban gardens.

-Ash haughtyPendula ’Fraxinus excelsior. The tree grows up to 8-10 m with a wide crown and shoots bent to the ground. Young plants form an umbrella, and in old age they bulge more. It is suitable for planting on lawns and near water reservoirs.

-White mulberry'Pendula ’Morus alba. A small tree with an umbrella-like crown, approx. 3 m in diameter. It requires grafting on a tall trunk. The branches are hanging down. In August, they are sprinkled with black and red, very tasty fruit. In autumn leaves turn yellow.Recommended especially for small gardens.

-Elm'Camperdownia ’Ulmus. A small tree with a picturesque umbrella-like crown - shoots and leaves are bent downwards. Crown diameter up to 3 m. It can be planted in small gardens, on the lawn. The umbrella-like crown creates a natural gazebo that can be used as a resting place.

-Rowanberry‘Pendula’ Sorbus aucuparia. A tree with a wide, irregular crown with twisted branches hanging down to the ground, grows up to 3-5 m. In May it blooms white, in autumn it bears red fruit.Requires a exposed place.

-Cherry pink'Pendula ’Prunus subhirtella. The tree grows up to 3-4 m, it forms a very wide, loose, umbrella-like crown with a diameter similar to its height. In April (before the leaves unfold), they are covered with white-pink flowers (the 'Pendula Rosea' variety has pink flowers). Autumn leaves turn orange-red.Beautiful solitaire on lawns.

-Weeping willow'Chrysocoma ’Salix × sepulcralis. A tree with a wide and dense crown (grows up to 20 m high and wide). Slender branches hang almost to the ground. Very long and narrow leaves are characteristic. Flowers (yellow or green cats) develop simultaneously with the leaves. It needs a lot of space, preferably on the lawn, on the shores of water reservoirs.

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