In common opinion, trees and shrubs are considered easy to care for. However, not all of them. There are several reasons for this - the main one is the need to control the form of growththrough regularcutFortunately, there are species less demanding, which do not need to be cut after planting in order to bloom. At the same time, they are small and can be grown in any garden.
Opinion requiring plants przylgłaincl. for hydrangeas. Indeed, it is difficult to cultivate, but only if it is not providedoptimal conditions development In snowless winters, it should be covered, as the shoots may freeze. Let us remind you thathydrangea gardenHydrangea macrophylla feels best in humus, moderately moist soil in a sheltered position in partial shade. Under such conditions, it blooms reliably for many years. It is only important to removein spring frosty shootsand old inflorescences.
The group of undemanding species also includeshydrangeaSargenta H. sargentiana, which can also be grown without forming pruning. Bouquet hydrangea H. paniculata andhydrangea DrzewiastaH. arborescens require more commitment to care. Forof both , the characteristicis that they produce much more flowers in the summer after a strong spring cut.
1. Korean viburnum grows up to 150 cm in height, in April / May it produces white, intensely fragrant flowers.
2. In the two-meter highpierisa'Forest Flame' cultivar, not only flowers, but also young leaves are beautiful.
3.Lilak Meyerof the 'Palibin' variety reaches a height of up to 150 cm.
4. The meter-high evergreenskimmia'Rubella' blooms in April. Plants prefer shaded positions in humus ground.
5.Wawrzynekgrows to a height of 150 cm and blooms at the beginning of March.
6.Fotergillablooms in May, turns very nice in autumn.
HazelnutCorylopsis pauciflora is a decorative spring shrub that grows to a height of less than 150 cm. This species comes from the witch hazel family and, like witch hazel, grows best onpartially sheltered sites, in the humus , not too heavy ground. After planting, the development of the bushes should not be disturbed in any way.Pruning is unnecessary becausehazelnut is long-livedand produces more flowers every year. The great advantage of these shrubs is also the fact that they are almost completely avoided by diseases and pests, additionally they boastbeautiful autumn colorin shades of gold.
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Leszczynowiec Corylopsis pauciflora (Photo: |
We should not forget that the condition of plants and their development, and thus also care, are determined primarily by localconditionsenvironmental, that issubstrate ,insolationandtemperaturesurroundingTherefore, whenever we decide to plant a new tree or bush in the garden, we need to get to know theirrequirementsandaddanymake effortsto make the plants feel as good as possible in their new position.