Weigela shrub - position, planting, pruning, cultivation

More about the plant below:

Bush (Weigela florida)

category : shrubs

position : sun

height : 0.5-2.5 m

frost resistance : to -25 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green, yellow, purple, white-green, yellow-green

color of flowers : white, pink, brown, purple-brown

shape : bushy

period flowering : May-June

seed : -

reproduction:apical or woody cuttings

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : discounts, parks, balconies, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Bush - silhouetteBush - developmental featuresStand for a shrubPropagation of the bushBush - careBush - applicationAdvice

Bush - silhouette

The Latin name of the shrub is a tribute to the deserved botanist Christian Ehrenfried von Weigel. This shrub was originally known only in Japan and China.The shrub has bell-shaped flowers and blooms in white, pink and ruby ​​red.Blooms from May to June.A secondary flowering can be expected in August.

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Bush - developmental features

The shrub grows densely and quickly, reaching a height of 2 to 4 meters. The characteristic feature of older shrubs are overhanging shoots.Depending on the variety, the leaves can be either green or colored.

Stand for the bush

The shrub feels good in fertile, well-drained soil and grows successfully in sunny to semi-shaded locations (however, the more sun, the more flowers).Some varieties are also suitable for growing in the shade, but the flowering of such shrubs leaves much to be desired.

Bush propagation

Shrubs are propagated by woody or semi-woody cuttings collected at the end of summer or late autumn.

Bush - care

The bush is easy to care for. It is powered once a year. We carry out x-rays every few years. From time to time, it is a good idea to cut old shoots close to the ground.You can shorten them without worrying about the next year's flowering, because the shrub sets flower buds only on annuals.The bushes are best planted in the fall.

Bush - application

The bush looks best as a solitaire. If plants are to be combined in groups, it is best to plant them in natural hedges. The bush attracts insects.


In freely growing hedges, the shrub should be combined with, for example, jasmine or lilac trees.

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