Crocuses, also known as spring saffrons, are among the earliest flowering plants.This is because when planted in autumn beds before winter, they can produce flower buds, and even sprout small sprouts and wait for the first breath of spring to come out and bloom. At the same time, they do not take up nutrients from the still frozen substrate, but use substances stored in the tubers.
When buying crocuses in pots, remember to choose plants that are not fully developed. Then they will decorate the apartment longer. However, they must have well-developed buds - swollen, preferably slightly parting, so that the color of the petals can be seen.Place the pot in the coolest place in the house, otherwise the flowers will bloom within 2-3 days.
Since crocuses need a lot of light (if there is too little light, the shoots stretch out quickly), the best is a window sill with no radiator underneath it, in a frequently ventilated, bright room.In addition, plants need a constantly slightly moist soil, but they do not like too wet soil.
After flowering, the crocuses are not suitable for replanting in pots.They have already used most of the spare substances and even the most careful cultivation at home will not allow them to regain their strength enough to bloom again in next year. If we do not want to throw them away, we can plant them in the garden in autumn.In the first spring, after planting, they will not bloom at all or they will do it very poorly, but in the next season, beautiful flower buds will appear.
Before that, however, crocuses need to be properly prepared.Remove the faded flowers carefully, leaving all the leaves behind.Water the plants moderately and once a week with half the dose of liquid fertilizer intended for potted flowers.
Plants should always stand on a sunny windowsill in a not too warm room. The abundance of sun and nutrients will allow them to rebuild a large part of the reserves stored in the tubers. When the leaves start to turn yellow and dry up, stop fertilizing and watering, and after a dozen or so days, take the tubers out of the pot.
We clean them of soil and dry them for two weeks in a shaded, airy place, at a temperature of about 20ºC. Then we put them in boxes filled with sawdust or put them in ordinary paper bags and keep them at home. They will wait there until September when we drop them off for discounts.