More about the plant below:
Double feathered cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
category : annuals
position : sun
height : up to 1.5 m
frost resistance : -
reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic, slightly alkaline
preferences soil : fertile, well-drained, sandy loam
watering : little
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : pink, red, white, purple
shape : upright, branchy
period flowering : July-October
seeding : spring
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : flower beds, balconies, cut flowers, terraces
pace of growth : fast
Double feathered cosmos - silhouetteDouble-feathered cosmos - developmental featuresDouble feathered cosmos - positionDouble pinnate cosmos - seedingDouble feathered cosmos - careDouble feathered cosmos - applicationAdviceCosmos, also known as onętek, comes from Mexico and the US state of Arizona.It caught on in Europe at the end of the 18th century.A species less popular and widespread in cultivation is Cosmos sulphureus yellow.
Depending on the variety, the tubules reach a height of 60 to 120 cm. The leaves are pinnate.Available varieties have white, red and pink flowers and maintain flowering from July to October.
The optimal conditions for development are guaranteed by a sunny position in a fertile, well-drained soil. Low-growing varieties can also be grown in pots.
The easiest way to start growing is to sow seeds directly into the ground (in May). If the seedlings grow too densely, they should be cut off (the optimal distance between the plants is 40 cm). The first flowers open in August. If we want the plants to bloom earlier, we have to rush them in March or April at 15-18 ° C.In mid-May, young plants are planted in a bed.
Onętek likes fertile soil, so before planting, the soil should be fed with compost.Faded flowers should be removed regularly, it stimulates plants to form new flower buds.Young plants are protected against snails.
Cosmos looks good in large groups. Tall varieties can be combined with tall dahlias or garden verbena.
Onętek is a honey plant.Flowers onętek are massively visited by butterflies, bumblebees and bees.