Iris Iris - silhouette, care, position, form

More about the plant below:

Kosaciec (Iris)

category : perennials

position : sun, partial shade, shade (depends on species)

height : 15 cm - 1 m

frost resistance : up to -20 ° C

reaction soil : indifferent

preferences soil : fertile, sandy loam, permeable to wet (depends on species)

watering : medium, much (depends on species)

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : blue, white, pink, red, yellow, purple, orange, brown

shape : raised, tufted

period flowering : July-September (depends on species)

seed : -

reproduction:division of rhizomes

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : flower beds, rockeries, balconies, cut flowers, terraces, edges of water reservoirs (depending on the species)

pace of growth : fast

Iris - silhouetteThe form of iris growthA position for an irisIris - care

Kosaciec - silhouette

All the beauty and diversity of the iris is best reflected by its botanical name Iris, meaning rainbow.The name is not accidental, because it directly refers to the whole range of colors to which flowers are colored.In some varieties they are even multi-colored.When praising iris, one cannot fail to mention their characteristic sword-shaped leaves.

Iris growth form

The most popular representative of the Iris genus is the bearded iris, which owes its name to a characteristic drawing on the leaves.Within this species there are three groups of plants: tall, medium and low.

The first ones reach a height of 70 to 120 cm and bloom from May to July. They can be successfully arranged with medium iris flowering also in May, which reach a height of 40 to 70 cm.The last, or low irises, 10 to 40 cm high, bloom between April and May and are recommended primarily for rock gardens.

A certain group of irises can be grown in a wetland environment; the smooth iris blooms from June to August, and the yellow and Siberian iris blooms from May to June. All three are distinguished by their filigree flowers without a beard and reach a height of 50 to 100 cm.

The irish stand

A sunny position in moderately moist, well-drained and fertile soil is ideal for bearded irises.Smooth, yellow and swamp iris also tolerate partial shade, preferring moist to wet substrates.

Kosaciec - care

Kosaćce plants are planted in the fall. The upper third of the rhizome should protrude above the ground.In late autumn, when the leaves turn yellow, remove them from the bed.In spring, feed the perennials with mature compost. Kosaćce can be propagated by dividing the roots, this procedure is also used in the case of weakening flowering.

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