Dried goji berries are available in almost every major grocery store. They can be served as a snack (similar to peanuts or raisins) or as an addition to dishes (most often salads). For centuries, wolfberry has been used in traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Tibetan medicine, i.e. in countries where this plant grows wild.This pioneering and undemanding shrub was planted in Poland to stabilize steep slopes, slopes and embankments, as well as for the rehabilitation of degraded areas.
In many European countries, wolfberry is considered an invasive species that easily gets out of control and is released into the environment.Therefore, it is not recommended to plant shrubs near forests, in open landscapes, in protected areas or in their buffer zones. On the other hand, when planted on plots or in home gardens, it is a source of valuable fruit.
In recent years, more than a dozen fruit varieties of wolfberry have appeared on the market, among which one, Amber Sweet Goji, is distinguished by a different, amber color of the fruit, which is additionally larger and sweeter than the species.This variety was entered in 2016 for the Novelties Plant Competition, organized during the International Exhibition "Green is Life", by the Clematis Nursery Source of Good Climbers from Pruszków near Warsaw, winning a distinction.
Scarlet Goji Amber Sweet Goji is a shrub that grows up to 2-2.5 m, with dense, slender arched shoots. The plant does not cling to supports, but supports them, just like climbing roses. Lancet leaves are gray-green and thick.Small purple flowers on long stalks develop from June to August.
The fruits are sweet, ripen from August to October. 100 g of fruit contains 2500 mg of vitamin C (third place among plants in terms of vitamin C content), besides, goji berries are rich in B vitamins and vitamin E, as well as microelements such as zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, phosphorus.They contain 21 minerals essential for he alth and 19 amino acids.Because of this, the fruit of the spiky red fruit in a fresh, dried or processed form is eagerly used by chefs and he althy eaters.
The plant starts bearing fruit quickly, already in the second or third year after planting. At the same time, it is exceptionally easy to cultivate, tolerant to soil, and resistant to drought and frost. The bushes bloom most profusely and bear fruit when planted in the sun.They are also fully frost resistant, tolerate drought and heat. In home gardens and allotments, it is best to plant plants at supports (trellises, ladders, poles) to which long and slender shoots can be attached.
When planted freely, they usually take up a lot of space.In addition, to prevent the plant from spreading too much in the garden, you need to systematically remove shoots that appear in places where you do not want them to be.