Hydrangea, that is all summer in flowers

Garden hydrangeaHydrangea macrophylla belongs to the group of the most popular flower shrubs. It is eagerly planted for large, romantic inflorescences that decorate the garden for many weeks during the summer, and because of its low maintenance requirements.

The new variety of 'Endless Summer' surpasses the previously known hydrangeas with strong, lush growth and an exceptionally long flowering period. In summer, when other varieties have long passed their most attractive period,'Endless Summer'is constantly producing new flower buds. Depending on the pH value of the substrate, the new variety, like other garden hydrangeas, blooms blue or pink.

Make your garden hydrangea enjoyable all summer long

Cutting the shoots almost never ends with a disaster that harms the plant, because it setsflower budson new, this year's shoots. However, a freshly planted bush will develop better if the first pruning is not done. In summer, we should only remember about the constant cutting of wilting inflorescences, which promotes the formation of new flower buds. The last inflorescences can, as in other garden hydrangeas, remain intact on the bush during the winter and remove them only in early spring.

Hydrangea flowers do not require too much care and are enjoyed all summer long

They will serve as protection of flower buds against frost.The new variety is very frost-resistant and can withstand frosts even down to -30 ° C without major damage. In order for the garden hydrangeasto flourish , they should be regularly supplemented with a special hydrangea fertilizer and watered generously.

Half-shaded rebateis a perfect place for hydrangeas in the garden. Compact habit, stem height from 90 to 150 cm and good cutting tolerance make the 'Endless Summer' variety perfect for aflower hedge , while when grown in a container it will be a great decoration all summer long balcony and terrace.

Did you know that … the color of flowers depends on the substrate?

The most popular and loved are blue-flowering hydrangeas. However, after a few years, many of them turn pink. Such a metamorphosis is caused by the soil in which hydrangeas grow. Flowers can only be blue when the medium is acidic (low pH, below 7) and contains a lot of aluminum s alt.In alkaline soil with a predominance of calcium compounds (high pH, ​​over 7), the hydrangea flowers turn pink. In order for our hydrangeas to maintain the blue color of the flowers, we plant them in acidic peat soil for rhododendrons and feed them with a special hydrangea fertilizer. More information in the article on adapting the soil to the requirements of individual plants.

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