More about the plant below:
Carnation (Dianthus)
category : perennials, biennials
position : sun
height : 5-50 cm
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : slightly alkaline, neutral, slightly acidic (depending on species)
preferences soil : fertile, sandy, sandy loam, well-drained
watering : medium
color leaves/needles : green, cyan
color of flowers : pink, red, white
shape : tufted
period flowering : May-September
seeding : early spring, spring (after stratification)
reproduction:by dividing clumps, sowing, shoot cuttings
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : flower beds, rockeries, walls, balconies, terraces, cut flowers
pace height : medium
Carnation - silhouetteCarnation - developmental featuresThe position for the carnationCarnation reproductionCarnation - careCarnation - applicationAdviceCarnations, once presented on the occasion of a name day or birthday, are nowadays an irreplaceable decoration of a rockery.Of course, this does not apply to all of the 300 species.
The most important are the low species, such as dotted carnation (pink, red, purple flowers), rock carnation (pink flowers), as well as a large selection of blue carnation varieties (in colors from white, through pink, to red). It occurs naturally in Europe and Asia, with one species growing in the Arctic and several in South Africa.
Low forms of carnations form dense carpets and, depending on the species, reach a height of 5 to 60 cm.Cloves have grass-like, usually gray-green leaves.
For carnations, a sunny, warm place in a dry to moderately fresh and fertile soil is best.The substrate should be permeable as excess moisture shortens the life of the plants and makes them more susceptible to disease.
Cloves can be propagated by dividing in spring or fall. In summer, they are propagated by cutting the shoots.Some species and varieties can be propagated by sowing seeds.
After flowering, the plants are shortened by a third. Thanks to this, they will maintain a compact habit and they will form new shoots.When the cloves lose their attractive appearance, they should be rejuvenated (by dividing them).
Low species of carnation forming cushions can be grown on low walls, gravel beds, stoneware, as well as in the crevices of dry walls.They can also be grown as an elegant border of flower beds.
Cloves should be covered with spruce branches in winter.This treatment will protect them from animals looking for food.