Most of the rhizome iris, eg numerous varieties of the German iris Iris x germanica, small I. pumila or Siberian I. sibirica bloom in May and June. After flowering, their development slows down and this is when it is best to reproduce them. But at the same time, next year's buds are also setting, so digging up and dividing the rhizomes too early can disrupt this process. Therefore, the most appropriate period for the reproduction of rhizome iris is August. Dig up the rhizomes and clean them from the soil. Remove the diseased or damaged parts of the rhizome, and cut off the young (last year's) fragments with the bud from the rhizomes, which we plant horizontally in the soil. After planting the plant, water it abundantly.
The very principle of cutting is extremely simple. If we want to strongly limit the growth of the tree, prune all the increments behind the 3-5 leaves from the root of the shoot. We start pruning in spring, when the first young shoots of this year are 10 cm long. When more twigs break out of the sleeping buds, we repeat the activity regularly, sometimes several times a year. This is called three-mesh cut, because each time we shorten all the increments behind the first leaves. Remember, however, that with this method of formation, only fruit spines will start to grow on the tree. However, we will prevent the growth of those strong branches that should replace the old ones from time to time. A slightly modified short shoot cut is more suitable for home gardens. It consists in pruning in July and August only strong, over 20 cm increments. This will result in numerous shoots growing in the place of long shoots on which fruit rarely develop.If we carry out regular pruning, in the following years we will notice that gradually more shoots with fruit begin to appear on the tree, the tree's growth is much weaker and the shape of the crown is more regular.
WE DRY FLOWERS.We collect flowers and inflorescences to dry. Remember that the flowers should not be strongly developed, e.g. the baskets of the garden helmets, pink drywort or annual dryflower are collected when the first whorls of the colorful leaves of the basket cover open up. After cutting, the shoots are hung with their heads down in an airy room without sun exposure.
PLANTING TUBERS OF CROCUSES.Planting tubers of autumn flowering plants - winter crocuses and autumn crocuses - magnificent saffron Crocus speciosus. C. pulchellus or C. iridiflorus. In order for them to bloom, crocus tubers, as well as winter crocus, are planted in August, 6-8 cm deep. Flowers appear in the fall, leaves unfold in the spring of the following year.
END FERTILIZATION.We stop fertilizing plants in the garden. Further feeding with fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, stimulates the growth of plants, which should already be getting ready to go to bed.
WE DIGO UP GARLICES.Growing garlic for decorative purposes is still not very widespread. Meanwhile, among the 700 species of Allium garlic genus, many are suitable for cultivation in ornamental gardens. Most of them bloom in late spring or early summer (May to July), when the bulbous leaves turn yellow and dry. The same, unfortunately, happens with most garlic - beautiful canopies made of numerous small flowers are accompanied by yellowing leaves, so it is worth planting garlic among perennials, which will cover them as they grow larger. After the garlic bulbs have flowered, they fall into summer dormancy and then they can be dug up, cleaned and the daughter bulbs can be separated (preferably in August). This procedure should be performed every 3 years. After the bulbs are dug up, keep them in a dry room and plant them in the bed in autumn.
WE END THE SEASONAL FEEDING OF PLANTS.From mid-August we do not fertilize plants with woody shoots so that they can they survive the winter well. This applies to plants such as: datura (datura), nightshade, fuchsia, mug, lepnota, bush pyrethrum, oleander and many others.
CLEANING UP BALCONY BOXES.Remove the bleached and dried-up annual plants and replace them with other plants, e.g. bush astra, sedum, heather, oak grass, chrysanthemums, ash old man, ivy or periwinkle.
TIME TO DECIDE TO CHANGE THE BALCONY DECORATION.It is worth considering changing the summer decoration of balconies to a typical autumn one. You can take advantage of the wide range of nurseries and choose the most interesting and most suitable deciduous or coniferous shrubs, as well as perennials, including ornamental grasses and herbs. One should also remember about the bulbous plants, which will be planted now, they will delight us in the spring.
REMOVE FLOWERED FLOWERS.Remove fading flowers and inflorescences from shrubs and vines. This treatment is to prevent excessive straining of plants by binding seeds.
SYSTEMATIC WATERING.We plant leafy and other green plants in pots, remembering to water them systematically.
POTASSIUM FERTILIZER SUPPLY.At the end of August, you can start feeding ornamental shrubs with potassium fertilizers, which will contribute to faster lignification of the shoots before winter.
CUTTING CHERRY AND CHERRY.The end of July and August is the best season for cutting cherries. Both species tolerate post-harvest pruning much better than in winter and spring. Although in summer wounds heal quickly, we should remember to protect the wounds of cut branches, especially thicker ones.
PLANTING STRAWBERRIES.August is also the best month for establishing strawberry plantations.The bushes planted in this period will have time to take root well before winter, and in the following year they will yield a high yield.
REGULAR HARVESTING OF APPLESummer apple varieties ripen. The fruits of some varieties tend to fall off early. To avoid this, collect them systematically as they mature.
SHORT SHOOT CUTTINGIn late summer, it is worth making a short shoot cut not only on apple trees, but also on pear trees and early plums.
BEWARE OF FRUIT!You must pick apple, pear and plum fruits damaged by fruit flakes. Then we have to bury the fruit deep (about 50 cm).
TREE BANDS.Browse the corrugated paper bands on tree trunks and destroy the apple fruit caterpillars found there.
TREATING ONIONS.Before planting bulbs, dress the bulbs with seed dressings.
DESTROY FRUIT WITH DISEASE SIGNS.During fruit harvest we remove and destroy those with symptoms of disease and pests.
CHEMICAL CONTROL OF POWDERY MUSHROOM.When we notice the infestation of ornamental plants by powdery mildew, we perform a chemical treatment using, for example, Amistar 250 S.C., Score 250 EC, Biosept 33 SL.