It's a new season, so like every year I'm going to plant the onion. I have been growing the Wolska variety for several years and I am satisfied with it. It is characterized by a delicate structure and small sweet and spicy chives.
I plant the young bulbs into the ground from mid-March to mid-April. I prepare the zagon in such a way that I loosen the soil, and then with the marker I make rows in which I intend to plant vegetables. I place the bulbs at about 5 cm intervals. I stick to this rule because then I can thin the plants without leaving too much gaps.
Onion care is reduced to weeding, loosening the soil and periodic watering. In early July, the plant ends its growing season and turns golden yellow in the scales. The chives wilt and lie down on the ground. Then you can start harvesting. I clean the vegetables from the roots. I try to keep the chives as they are needed to tie the onions into braids or bunches. I hang the entwined plants on a hook in a ventilated place. When they are dry, I put them into plastic, openwork boxes and put them in the pantry. In winter, I regularly check the collections and discard damaged items. This happens rarely, as well-dried and stored onions will withstand without problems until May.
I produce the planting bulb myself. In spring, I sow the seeds directly into the ground. If necessary, I interrupt the emergence. When the seedlings are ripe, I pull them out and clean them from soil and chives.I dry them thoroughly, and during the winter I store them in an old stocking suspended by a radiator. They are ready for planting in the spring.
Katarzyna Chyra