Withstone tree diseaseI met in my garden at my own request. Well, in the spring a large storm broke the peach branch. As I felt sorry to remove it, I tied the limb with a string to make it grow together. I saw the effect of such a procedure in the fall, when there were no leaves on the tree. The branch has grown together, but there are some recesses left over from the string at the place of the binding. I also noticed an ugly wound that exudes resin.
I took action. I did a research in gardening magazines and on the Internet. I found out what mistakes I made. After breaking the branch, it would be better for
the tree to remove it, and the wound must be treated with an antifungal agent or rubbed with garden ointment.This would prevent infectionand prevent the plant from attacking pests. Well, we learn from mistakes …
I removed the string, cleaned the wound with a water solution mixed with soap soap and Topsin antifungal. You can also use Miedzian, Bravo or ecological Biosept. Then all the wounds were covered with garden ointment. In spring, I sprayed the peach
with anti-fungal agentsand pests.
Gumosisis a defense reaction of plants to tissue damage, e.g. by fractures or pests. The tree then produces a rubbery substance that protects he althy tissues against fungal or parasite invasion. As I read - gumosis is a pathological phenomenon. It occurs most often on the bark, but also on leaves and fruit. It leads to the formation of cancerous lesions, weakening of plants, and finally to the death of the tree. To prevent this disease, we must take care of preventive spraying against fungal diseases and pests.And pruning wounds should always be lubricated with an antifungal agent.
Anna Witkowska