Luxuriously blooming Himalayan knotweed

Garden owners often get traumatized after unpleasant experiences with Japanese knotweed (knotweed) Fallopia japonica.This persistent and expansive perennial is often very difficult to tame and can cause many problems.However, other closely related species are not dangerous. There is no danger in our rebates from the Himalayan knotweed Bistorta amplexicaulis.

It is worth appreciating the advantages of its numerous varieties. Many of them, such as 'Alba' (white), 'Janet' (purple-pink) or dark red 'Fat Domino', are distinguished by reliability in cultivation and beautiful colors of flowers. The long flowering period and dense, bushy habit make them stand out on any, even the most magnificent, arranged bed.In addition, they do not spread either through stolons or seeds.

Other varieties, such as 'White Eastfield' (white), 'Rowden Gem' (pink-purple) or 'Pink Mist' (white with a pink coating), have not very dense inflorescences and less solid shoots. However, this is not a disadvantage, as the clumps of a loose shape are ideal for the arrangement of natural or flower meadows.An exceptionally harmonious appearance will gain a discount when Himalayan knotweed is planted between tall and small perennials that bloom at the same time.Good neighbors in such an arrangement are: Eupatorium purple plant, medium tall mallow Alc althaea 'Parkallee' and 'Parkrondel' as well as the sedum plant Sedum.

The combinations of knotweed with ornamental grasses, such as sesleria, are delightful. It is also worth trying a combination with repeating flowering pastel roses, e.g.'Westerland', 'Complicata' or 'A Shropshire Lad'.Himalayan knotweed does not tolerate too close company of other plants in the first years after planting.Therefore, in a new bed it should be planted at a greater distance from neighbors and never in the gaps between already developed perennials.

Practical advice

Himalayan knotweed is distinguished by its tendency to long flowering. It can still put out new flower shoots until autumn.This can be used by pruning its shoots when the rainfall causes them to develop poorly or when the plant loses its nice shape.

The outer shoots are shortened to the second leaf node above the ground and the middle ones are cut above the third node. After just three weeks, the highly compacted plant will bloom luxuriantly.

Planting, position, care

Himalayan knotweed is sensitive to frost, so it can be planted in spring only after the last frost.Most often it is the second half of May. The soil should be loosened to a depth of 30 cm.The best conditions for development are provided by perennials in a fully sunlit position with fresh, slightly moist soil, but also with light shading and occasionally dry ground.

Himalayan knotweed does not require any special care. In winter, dead leaves can remain in the bed as mulch. In the spring, you can feed the plant with mature compost.Knotweed is not attacked by diseases and pests. Snails do not like him either.

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