Wingless blacksmith - is he dangerous, fighting, home methods

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The wingless smith , whose other names are the two-lobster blacksmith and the tram driver, is a bug common in Poland. It is not a pest, although the presence of blacksmiths can be troublesome when in large numbers. We explainwhether the wingless blacksmith can be dangerousand whether it is necessaryfighting blacksmithsIf this insect annoys you, learn about the provenhome remedies for a blacksmith wingless

Wingless Blacksmith - Pyrrhocoris apterus

What does the wingless blacksmith look like?

Wingless blacksmith(Pyrrhocoris apterus) is a species of bug from the blacksmith family (Pyrrhocoridae), reaching up to 1.5 cm in length. When viewed from abovethe body of the wingless blacksmith is red with characteristic black patterns - a triangle and two black spots
The term wingless in the name of this insectcan be a bit confusing . Blacksmith larvae do not have wings, while adults have poorly developed or regressed wings. However, insects do not have the ability to fly.

The wingless smith has long black antennae and three-legged legs . Thanks to the rebates on their feet, wingless blacksmiths can climb vertical walls, fences and trees, thanks to which they can sometimes climb very high.
"The colloquialthe name of the tramman refers to the method of reproduction of the wingless blacksmith- male and female during copulation are joined together by abdomens, which makes them look like 2 carriages joined together. "

Wingless Blacksmith - Pyrrhocoris apterus

Is the wingless smith dangerous?

Wingless blacksmiths usually occur in numerous groups , sitting on tree trunks, fences or walls, which often causes terror among people. Seeing swarms of these insects in gardens, parks and houses, many people wonderwhether a wingless blacksmith is harmfuland whether it can bite a person.

Wingless Blacksmith - Pyrrhocoris apterus
Fig. Tadek,

Fortunatelythe wingless blacksmith does not bite or bite a personFor humans, this insect is completely harmless. Its mere presence can be only annoying, especially if blacksmiths enter our houses or sit on our benches in such numbers that it is impossible to sit on them. If insects are abundant indoors, the irritating odor may also be emitted by them to scare away predators.Usually, however, it is not perceptible to people.

The wingless blacksmith eats mainly the juice of linden and black locust fruits , hence the numerous presence of insects in the vicinity of these trees. The insect sticks its proboscis into seeds that have fallen to the ground. Therefore, it does not harm the trees themselves. Slightly less often than linden fruits,wingless smiths feed on the fruits of chestnut and mallow , and sometimes also fallen fruit of fruit trees and sap dripping from trees in spring, which may flow from damaged branches and cracks in the bark. They supplement their diet with dead insects,thus contributing to the cleaning of the environment from dead remnantsThey are not harmful to plants and therefore completely harmless in our gardens.

The wingless blacksmith sits on fences and fences

We can find references to the fact thatwingless smiths can damage young trees in nurseries However, it has never been explained how this would happen and what the damage consists of. It is therefore an assumption rather than a statement of any fact regarding the harmfulness of this insect.

Wingless blacksmith - fighting and home remedies

Fighting the wingless blacksmith is not necessaryand there are no registered preparations for spraying these insects. Of course, they will probably die from the spraying of insecticides commonly used in gardens, such as, for example, Karate Zeon 050 CS, Mospilan 20 SP or Polysect 005 SL. However, performing such spraying is not recommended, because we do not fight any pests here, but only poison the environment.

Wingless blacksmith on thuja

For the same reason, we do not use anyhome remedies for a wingless blacksmithWe can only shake off these insects, shake them off and trample on the ground, if their presence disturbs us.They can also be washed off the fence, wall or garden benches with a strong stream of water.
Remember, however, thatwingless blacksmith in the natural environment is a useful insect , which supports the cleaning of dead plant and animal debris. Therefore, let's not destroy the blacksmiths, because they clean gardens and parks of fallen linden nuts.

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