Celandine celandine - healing properties and cultivation in the garden

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Celandine , whose Latin name is Chelidonium majus, is a common perennial from the poppy family, known for its healing properties. The juice contained in the plant is a natural remedy for warts. But this is not the only interesting use of celandine. We describe in detailhealing properties of celandineand explain whether it is possible togrowing celandine in the gardenLearn all the secrets about this herb!

Celandine has medicinal use
Fig. depositphotos.com

Celandine celandine - description

Celandine celandine is a plant of temperate climate , common both in their native areas - in Europe and Asia, as well as on other continents. It grows over fallow lands and wastelands, so we can meet it both in neglected parks and cemeteries, as well as on roadsides. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the description of celandine, as this herb can be easily found and its properties can be used.
Latin name of the genus Chelidonium comes from the Greek word chelidon, meaning swallow. It was believed that a plant blooms when the bird arrives and ends its vegetation on its departure. Folklore claims thatthe Polish name of celandine comes from its use in deworming the digestive system

Celandine is a perennial plant , reaching up to 90 cm in height. Heavily indented, dark green leaves with a bluish-blue plate on the underside, grow on a thin, highly branched and hairy stem.Both the stem and the root of the celandine herb, when damaged, secrete orange juice, which has a healing effect. At the beginning of May, singleflowers of intensely yellow celandinegathered in loose clusters appear in the leaf axils. They are delicate and sensitive, they close on cloudy days, sheltering from rain. After flowering, they transform into a small bag containing small seeds, wrapped in a white body (the so-called elajosome) attracting ants.

Celandine celandine - Chelidonium majus
Fig. pixabay.com

Celandine - properties and application

Celandine, despite its unquestionable decorative value, is not one of the plants that decorate the garden, on the contrary, many gardener associate it solely as a weed.Decorative varieties of celandinewith full flowers (e.g. celandine 'Flora Plena') or with strongly indented leaves are sometimes grown in gardens, brightening compositions composed of dark shrubs and conifers.However, it was thehealing properties of celandinethat made this plant known and valued centuries ago.

Broken celandine stalk. You can see hair and leaking yellow juice
Fig. depositphotos.com

Fresh celandine juice was used in folk medicineespecially for the treatment of warts, warts and psoriasis. Kurzajki is caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. It is characterized by a high degree of infectivity, and changes are most often observed on the feet and hands. They cause considerable discomfort, and if left untreated, they lead to inflammation.
To remove the wart with celandine juicesoften it first, using warm soapy water. Then we wipe the wart dry and rub it with a cotton swab soaked in celandine juice. If, on the other hand, we have a fresh plant, we can brush the wart with the juice flowing directly from the broken stalk of the celandine.One such procedure is enough for the wart to disappear within a few to several days.

Removing warts with celandine juice
Fig. depositphotos.com

Celandine extract was also part of anesthetic, wound-healing and disinfecting preparations.Celandine also has an analgesic effect(especially for menstrual pain), choleretic, anti-cancer and antiallergic.
The smoke from the dried herb celandine kills mosquitoes and flies , and the fresh herb is used in ecological gardening to prepare an excellent liquid manure that provides plants with nitrogen and is used to control cabbage whitefish.

To prepare a liquid manure from celandinethe herb of this plant is best harvested in May or June. In natural sites, cut the shoots so as not to tear up or destroy entire plants.If the celandine grows in our garden as a weed, whole plants can be uprooted. Externally, celandine juice can cause skin irritation and conjunctivitis, soharvesting is best done with gloves

Before pouring it onto the liquid manure, the celandine herb should be crushed
Fig. pixabay.com

The herb cut into smaller pieces (we give everything - leaves, stems, flowers, roots) put into a bucket, roughly 1/3 of the bucket, and pour water over it. It is best if it is a loose tap water or rainwater. The fermentation process takes 2-4 weeks. When the solution stops foaming,celandine manure is readyIt should be strained and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. With such a solution, you can water garden plants, and in particular, cruciferous vegetables against cabbage. The remaining slurry residues are a great addition to the compost: -)

In the stems, leaves and roots of the celandine herb there are several alkaloids that have a toxic effect, especially on the liver.Therefore, at presentthe use of oral celandine preparations is not recommended , especially without a doctor's supervision.Symptoms of celandine poisoning , which must not be ignored, may be cardiac disturbance, sleepiness or loss of consciousness.

Celandine celandine - cultivation in the garden

Celandine is undemanding , resistant to pests and diseases and can grow virtually anywhere. However, it prefers semi-shaded or shady locations, and moist, but not waterlogged, fertile, humus-rich soils, rich in nitrogen and calcium. It is considered an indicator plant for nitrogen-rich soils. However, you should carefully choosethe position of celandine cultivation in the garden , because due to the extensive root and very extensive rhizomes, mechanical removal of plants is not easy. So when the celandine grows uncontrollably, it can be a problem.
Sincecelandine has a high nitrogen requirement , it responds positively to fertilization.Nitrogen-rich slow-release compound fertilizers or fermented compost can be applied in spring. In soils poor in nutrients, it may be necessary to re-feed the plants at the beginning of summer.

Celandine often grows as a weed
Fig. pixabay.com

Celandine celandine is a frost-resistant species , and it easily regenerates from wintering, storage rhizomes. So there is no need to protect the plants from frost or cold wind.

Celandine celandine - reproduction and harvest

Celandine is propagated from seedssown in rows in autumn, every 40 cm to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. Seeds of celandine are sown at the rate of 5 kg per 1 ha. The roots are dug in the second year of cultivation and dried after cleaning, preferably in a drying room heated to 50-60 ° C.Celandine herb is cut at the beginning of flowering , preferably in May and June.On warm and sunny days, the herb can be dried in natural conditions, and in unfavorable weather, in a drying room at a temperature of up to 40 ° C.

MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak

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