Water Pachira - requirements, cultivation, reproduction, diseases

The Water Pachirawith its original intertwined trunks and a lush leaf plume is considered a plant of good energy. This potted tree can quickly reach 2 m in height, so it needs a lot of space and fits into larger interiors. Find out more aboutgrowing requirements of water pachiraWe advise you how to easily performpachira reproduction , as well as what diseases and pests may threaten this plant.

Water pachira - Pachira aquatica
Fig. depositphotos.com

Water Pachira - description of appearance and properties

Water Pachira(Pachira aquatica) is a tropical tree belonging to the woolly family (Bombacoideae). It comes from Mexico. A hollow and hard trunk that widens downwards has the capacity to store water. The upper part of the trunk is relatively narrow. Shiny, long-tailed, pinnate, intensely green leaves emerge from the top of the trunk.

Boththe bark and leaves of the pachira have healing propertiesIn natural medicine, pachira bark is used to treat stomach and throat aches. When mentioning the properties of pachira, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is a plant safe for cats and lovers of these animals do not have to worry about anything.
At home, the water pachira does not bloomIn the natural environment, it creates beautiful, large, yellow-red flowers with a scent of vanilla. Water pachira flowers open at night and close during the day. The fruits of the pachira are large, oval, oblong, initially green, turning brown as they mature.Inside the pachira fruit we find seeds called saba nuts that can be eaten raw, cooked or baked. It's a pity that we cannot count on their appearance in home cultivation.

Water pachira flower
Fig. Mauroguanandi, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

Seeds inside the pachira fruit
Fig. Mauroguanandi, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

Water Pachira - requirements and cultivation

Pachira is doing great in our apartments. In spring and summerthe optimal temperature for pachira cultivation is 23-25 ​​° CIn winter, the best temperature is slightly lower, but not below 16 ° C.
Pachira requires a position very bright , but should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In winter, make sure not to expose the tree to drafts and place the pot as far away from heating devices as possible.
Soil for growing pachirashould be permeable. Ideally it should be a mixture of sand, leaves and turf soil in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Prepared soil for dracaena and palm trees can also be used. At the bottom of the pot, a layer of drainage should be poured (it can be small pebbles or expanded clay), because the water pachira does not like standing water.

Water pachira - Pachira aquatica
Fig. depositphotos.com

Water Pachira - watering and sprinkling

Pachira needs regular wateringOn hot summer days it should be watered 2-3 times a week. It is important to maintain the optimum level of substrate moisture at all times. We water the plants when the top layer of the earth dries out. In the winter months, watering is significantly reduced, avoiding water stagnation. It is recommended to use rainwater or soft, filtered water at room temperature for watering the pachira.
The air humidity required for the pachirashould be around 60-70%. In the spring and summer period, this is usually the humidity in the air in our apartments and it should not be a problem. During the heating period, in autumn and winter, the air humidity in the apartment usually drops significantly. Then you should systematicallysprinkle the pachira leaveswith soft water at a temperature equal to the ambient temperature (preferably the water should stand for 1 day). You can also place an air humidifier near the plant or place a tray of water next to the pot.

Water pachira - Pachira aquatica
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl

Water Pachira - fertilization

The high nutritional requirements of the pachira are associated with a large mass of green leaves.Fertilization of the water pachirais carried out in the period from the beginning of March to the end of November, feeding the plants every 14 days.We use multi-component mineral fertilizers for plants with decorative leaves, using half of the dose recommended by the manufacturer. In winter, fertilization should be stopped, allowing the plant to go into a dormant period.

Water Pachira - Transplanting

Adult plants should be replanted every few years. When choosing a pot, pay attention to the size of the plant itself and its root system. When the bush is young and has an underdeveloped root system, it does not need a large pot. Up to 30 cm in diameter is enough. Too small and tight container will slow down the growth of the tree.

Water Pachira - Trimming

Aquatic Pachira is usually sold as a plant with the stems braided. In order to properly care for the formed plant,in spring, trim and shorten the shoots of the pachirathat appear on the intertwined stems. You can try to root the cut off shoots to get new plants. If necessary, you can also trim the dried or dead leaves of the water pachira.

Water pachira - Pachira aquatica
Fig. pixabay.com

Water Pachira - reproduction

Propagate the water pachira by cuttingCut the unwanted shoots growing from the trunk in spring and cut them into 10 cm sections. Each of them should have several nodes. Place the seedlings in pots filled with a substrate intended for seedling. They should start to take root after about 20 days. You can also root them in water, but they will need appropriate conditions: air temperature 20-22 ° C, diffused sunlight and high air humidity (80%).

Water Pachira - diseases and pests

Water pachira is rarely attacked by diseases and pestsThe main problems in growing water pachira come from improper care: watering too much or too little, drafts, dry air or sudden changes in temperature.As a result, the plants become weakened, their leaves fall, diseases such asrot of the roots and trunks of pachira
Ifthere are small, light spots on the leaves of the pachira and some browning of the leaf blade , it is evidence of thrips. Effective preparations for controlling these pests on pachira are: Emulpar spray 750 ml and Substral Multi-Insekt. They are based on natural ingredients and are safe to use at home. When these measures do not help, it is worth reaching for the stronger insecticide Polysect Ultra Hobby AL. When using this product, it is a good idea to take the plant outside the living quarters.
Bright spots, yellowing and falling leaves of the pachiramay indicate the presence of the spider mite. Characteristic are small spider webs with which the pest moves. In the cultivation of potted plants in an apartment, the control of spider mites will be the easiest with the use of ready-made preparations, the same as for the control of thrips: Emulpar spray 750 ml and Substral Multi-Insekt.Karate Spray insecticide will help with strong pest infestation.

MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak

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