Phalaenopsis - cultivation and care

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Phalaenopsisis definitely one of the most beautiful orchids, although the great popularity made their beauty dim before our eyes. Therefore, let's remember that they are one of the most beautiful and long-flowering potted plants. A collection of a fewPhalaenopsisorchids on the windowsill is a real feast for the eyes and even the most skeptical eyes start to shine when they see them. So let's get to know the world of Phalaenopsis better.

Phalaenopsis is one of the most grown orchids

Characteristics of the genus Phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsisorchids come mainly from South Asia, from India to Japan and further south to the Philippines. As you can see, these are plants that prefer a warm and humid climate, hence their growing preferences.

These orchids come in a variety of sizes. You can already meet several centimeter plants, and the largest Phalaenopsis sometimes measure up to 2 meters of leaf span. The smallest ones can lose their leaves in the winter to be reborn again in the spring. Just like the size of the plants, the size of the flowers varies. The flowers of these orchids, depending on the type, can be from 1 - 2 cm up to more than 15 cm!
Phalaenopsis type orchidsare monopodial plants, which means that they form a strongly leafy shoot with a constantly dominant tip bud. Roots grow from nodes along the entire length of the shoot. What is worth knowing, in older individuals, new plants are formed at the root of the shoot, which make the orchid look much more massive and more extensive.

Growing and caring for Phalaenopsis

Growing Phalaenopsisis not very complicated. The claim that they are very capricious and susceptible to orchid diseases comes from the fact that these beautifully flowering orchids are usually given as gifts. The recipient often does not know anything about orchids and makes basic mistakes in growing. Therefore, it is worth knowing the most important rulesPhalaenopsis care , and then the plant will grow beautiful and he althy.Position, lighting
Orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis requireprimarily light. They prefer all exposures except the northern one, which has the least amount of sunlight. A window from the east or west side is the best for them.

Note!Phalaenopsisy get used to their place on the windowsill very much, therefore it is unacceptable to twist them or move them to other positions after flowering! Such a twist causes long breaks in flowering.Plants turn their leaves to the sun. By twisting them or changing places, they have to get used to the new place again, which sometimes takes 3-6 months!


Phalaenopsis orchidsgrow well in moderate temperatures, which is why they feel so well in our homes.
Basic principle What you need to remember is a heavy watering once a week, which makes these orchids really thrive. It is best not to water from above, but to dip the pot in water so that the substrate is soaked with moisture. More on this in the article how to water an orchid.
Phalaenopsisy grows very quickly and their roots start to come out of the pot quickly, so you have to replant the orchid once a year.
FertilizingStrong growth means that these orchids need a lot of nutrients, so they should be fed with appropriate fertilizers for orchids. However, in autumn and winter, fertilization should be reduced because during this period the plants go into a state of dormancy, caused by less light."

Phalaenopsis reproduction

Reproduction of PhalaenopsisPhalaenopsis that we see in stores are reproduced by tissue, i.e. by reproducing plants in vitro, which means that you can be 100% sure that the progeny plant will have the same features as parent. In addition, it is a very cost-effective method. However, when propagating from seeds, you never know how the genes will mix and what the daughter plant will look like, for which the flower often has to be waited for several years. However, this kind of waiting does not deter Phalaenopsis orchid lovers who prefer to propagate orchids from seeds. In amateur conditions, however, it is extremely difficult and often fails.

Phalaenopsis orchids with multicolored flowers and various patterns are especially attractive. In the photo: Phalaenopsis Maritea

Phalaenopsis varieties

1. Intergeneral hybridsPhalaenopsis combine very well with other genera of the Orchid family. For example, it is very easy to mix Phalaenopsis with Vanda, although their offspring are not as spectacular as their parents. However, the following hybrids are popular: Asconopis 'Irene Dobkin' (Phalaenopsis and Ascocentrum) and Renanthopis 'Mildred Jameson' (Phalaenopsis and Renanthera), as well as Doritaenopsis (Phalaenopsis and Doritis).
2. Phalaenopsis miniature
There is a very large selection of plants in this group, we distinguish three groups of miniatures, depending on the mother plants. First of all, miniature orchids differ in flower color, length of inflorescence shoots, flower size, etc.
3. Medium sized phalaenopsis (Table Dance)
This is a novelty on the market. These orchids usually have three inflorescence shoots and they grow in pots with a diameter of 9 cm.The inflorescence shoots are branched and the flowers are 2-3 cm in diameter. This group of orchids is one of the most impressive and each type of Phalaenopsis is a real gem. In addition, despite their beauty, they are resistant plants that feel good in room conditions.Phalaenopsis carefrom this group is quite easy.
4. Phalaenopsis Standard
In the 1970s, these were mainly cut flowers. The size of their flowers in those days was even 12 cm in diameter, and their leaf span was over a meter! However, in order to grow these orchids as houseplants, it was necessary to reduce their size. Orchids from this group are the most popularPhalaenopsisvarieties that we usually admire. They tolerate short overcooling well and are second to none in terms of flowering length.
5. Phalaenopsis Harlekin
They come mainly from Taiwan. These varieties have multi-colored flowers and a regular or irregular pattern on the leaves of the perianth. These orchids are so interestingly colored that they have really become a hit in recent times. They require more heat than standard Phalaenopsis.
6. Phalaenopsis yellow
These orchids reached their peak of popularity in the 1980s. Due to their yellow color, they were sold at the highest prices. Today they are less popular, but still extremely attractive. It is worth remembering that with these Phalaenopsis you should not cut off the inflorescence shoot because each year they put out new flowers on the old shoot, producing a new inflorescence shoot. That is why one plant often has from 2 to 5 inflorescence shoots!
7. Fragrant PhalaenopsisPhalaenopsis violaceae and P. lueddemanniana have fragrant flowers. So often their offspring also have fragrant flowers. However, these are not very popular orchids. They require a lot of space, and they do not tolerate too much fertilization. They also need a shaded position and a minimum temperature of 18 ° C. The higher the humidity, the stronger the smell.
8. Phalaenopsis with variegated leaves
It is a complete novelty among orchids. Sometimes the leaves are so showy that they completely obscure the flowers. Mostly these varieties come from Taiwan and have yellow-green leaves.

Katarzyna Matuszak

Based on: Lutz Rollke, Orchids cultivation and care, Warsaw 2010, pp. 100-108. Photo

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