Bawełnica korówka(Eriosoma lanigerum) is an aphid often found in apple orchards. The symptoms of the occurrence of cottonwood apricots, in the form of white flocs on tree branches, are very characteristic and easy to spot. We explain whether it is possible tobiological control of the blueberry cotton plant , and we also suggest whichcotton plant sprayingto reach when natural methods prove to be insufficient.
Bawełnica blueberry on apple trees
The symptoms of cottonwood aphidresemble white fluff of wool or cotton wool on the bark and branches of fruit trees. This flocculent coating of long, thin wax threads is the secretion of the cottonberry. The name of this apple pest reflects these symptoms very well, as it looks likecotton fluff on the bark of trees
Cottonberry cork can come in two formsThe non-winged form has a body length from 1.8 to 2.3 mm, navy blue or dark brown in color. It is covered with a white, delicate wax coating. The winged specimens of this aphid are brown-black. Cotton seed larvae are similar to adult aphids but smaller. After crushing the pest, a brown-red liquid comes out, which is why the nameblood aphidis sometimes used on this pest
Most often, this pest is found on apple trees, but it can also appear on pears and quinces.The first symptoms in the form of whitish flocs are observed at the end of spring , at the turn of May and June, but the pest may also appear in large numbers at the end of summer - in August and September, even if there are earlier symptoms of cottonwood we did not observe.
Colonies of cottonberry apricot on apple trees
Fig. lukwych,
Bawełnica blackberry appears in groups on old apple trees , on which there are numerous damage to the bark and cracks in the branches. Such places are favorable for the existence of this pest. Very often the blueberry cotton plant also inhabits the places where branches are cut. However, the greatest damage occurs on young trees and in nurseries. The aphid that sucks the sap from plants causes their weakening, slower growth and deformation of the branches. It is also possible that the fruits fall prematurely before they ripen, weaken the frost resistance of trees, and the places inhabited by the cotton plant are easily absorbed by pathogenic fungi causing diseases of fruit trees.
Cottonberry larvae winter on shoots , hidden in tree bark cracks and near their roots.Cold winters are conducive to the death of most of the wintering pests. However, the deepest ones can survive until spring in order to start feeding and further multiplying in this period.
Colonies of cottonberry apricot on apple trees
Fig. wirek33,
Winged individuals easily move to the next plants. Wingless aphids can move with the gusts of wind or with the help of other insects.The most abundant cottonberry is aphid at the turn of May and JuneThe summer heat does not favor its existence, but with the autumn cooling down, the aphid multiplies in large numbers again. That is why the massive attack of the cotton-apple blueberrycan be observed again in September , and in warm autumn - in October.During the year, this pest can develop up to 11 generations. The full development of a generation takes about 3 weeks, depending on climatic conditions.
Biological control of the blueberry cotton plantallows insects that parasitize or feed on this aphid. The most effective in combating cottonwood isblackberry(Aphelinus mali). The female of this wasp lance pricks the body of the cotton hymen and lays its eggs into its body. Eggs hatch from the eggshell larvae and feed in the body of the aphid until they pupate (one larvae develops in one aphid). Adult aphid leaves the dead aphid through a clearly visible round hole in its back. The length of the spike development period in the body of the cottonwood apricot varies and can range from 40 days in early spring to about 20 days later.
Good to knowThe larvae of the blackthorn which spend the winter in the body of the cotton plant, may be destroyed by frost or eaten by birds. In order to store the mussels until the next spring, apple twigs with infected aphids are cut down in autumn and placed in boxes, in a ventilated place, protected against rain, birds and excessive frost.After overwintering, in the third decade of April, the twigs are taken to the orchard and attached to the trees in the areas where the cottonwood is found, the blackberries.
Traces of the spike parasitic on the blackberry cottonfly
Fig. Blueberry Glade, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
Other insects that are useful in biological control of the cotton plant are: hoverflies, earwigs, golden-eyed, ladybugs. In order to usehelp of beneficial insects in biological control of the blueberry cotton plant, , first of all, avoid spraying with insecticides, which destroy not only pests but also beneficial insects. It is also worth creating wild nooks and crannies in the garden conducive to the existence of beneficial insects, leaving higher grass under the trees, and ladybugs feeding on aphids can be lured into the garden by tying yellow, shiny ribbons to the branches.
The larva of the ladybug eats the cotton-leaved blueberry
Fig. Pollinator, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
We can support biological control of the blueberry cotton plant bymanual removal of cottonwood coloniesThis may be enough in a home garden or a plot, especially if we only have one or two small apple trees. If growths have formed as a result of feeding the cotton plant, they should be gently cut out and the wounds covered with garden ointment. If we observe traces of blackbird parasitization on the cut cottonwood colonies, it is worth keeping such colonies in a safe place until the next year. From them, new axes will develop.
To prevent the appearance of the cottonwood apricot , it is worth planting nasturtiums (Tropaeolum) and tansy under apple, pear and quince trees. The fragrances of these plants scare the cotton-leaved apple tree.
Wintering forms of cottonwood apricots can be combated by ecological spraying of fruit trees with oil preparations. The oils stick to the bodies of wintering aphids, causing them to suffocate.Such spraying is performed during the leafless period, before the start of the growing season, usually in February or March. Recommended oil preparations for combating the blueberry cotton plant are Promanal 60 EC and Emulpar 940 EC, although you can also spray with paraffin oil bought, for example, in a pharmacy.
During the growing seasonspraying against the blackberry cottonflyis performed primarily in the periods of the most frequent appearance of this pest, i.e. from May to June, when the apple tree has already faded but the trees are not still fruit or their buds are just appearing. The next date is autumn after the apple harvest is finished. Thanks to this, we avoid the accumulation of insecticide residues in the fruit.
For the spraying of the cork, the first step is to use natural preparations , such as e.g. tansy extract. To prepare such an extract, 300 g of fresh herb or 30 g of dried tansy should be poured with 10 liters of cold water and left for 24 hours (a light foam may form).The next day, strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The preparation must be used immediately after preparation.
The nettle manure is also effective in combating cottonwood, aphids and other aphids . Here we are in a slightly better situation than in the case of tansy extract, because in garden shops you can buy ready-made nettle extract, which, when diluted with water, is suitablefor spraying apple trees attacked by the cotton plant, blackberryOn occasion, this spraying will work for another apple pest, which is the apple fruit.
Forcombating the cottonberry and blueberry during the growing seasonit is also worth using Siltac EC. It kills pests mechanically and contains no chemical insecticides. That is why it is safe for the environmentagent for cottonwood apricot , recommended for home gardens.
Siltac EC for cottonwood apricotis used after noticing the presence of the pest, except during the flowering period of the trees and the end of the fruit ripening phase.The recommended dosage of Siltac EC is 6-7.5 ml of the preparation per 5 liters of water.
As a last resort, you can use a chemical insecticide, eg Mospilan 20 SP. This agent is used in the amount of 1.25-2.0 g of the agent dissolved in 5-9l of water, which is enough for spraying the area up to 100m².Apple spraying against cottonwood aphid is performed after apple blossom , when the first aphid colonies appear. Another possible date is autumn, after apple harvest, which will reduce the cottonwood population in the next growing season.When deciding to use this preparation, remember to follow the safety rules required when using plant protection products, and read the leaflet carefully middle.