Lobelia(Lobelia), also known as the reed, is a genus of about 400 species of annual plants, perennials and shrubs.Growing lobeliais relatively easy, and the abundantly flowering and delightful with colors plants are a perfect decoration for gardens, terraces and balconies. Get to know the most popularspecies and varieties of lobeliaand find out what conditions must be met for lobelia to grow he althy and flourish. We also suggest ways tobreeding lobeliaon your own.
Lobelia - Lobelia
Fig. depositphotos.com
Lobelia belong to the campanulaceae family(Campanulaceae) and reign in gardens and balconies across the country. They come from areas with a temperate and subtropical climate and are extremely popular due to the variety of forms.
In the natural state, onlylake lobelia(Dortmann lobelia) occurs in our country, while the most popular cultivated species are: Cape lobelia (Lobelia erinus), large lobelia (L. siphilitica), scarlet lobelia (L . cardinalis) and shining lobelia (L. fulgens). Due to the plant habit, there is also a division into raised lobelia, hanging lobelia and dwarf lobelia.
Lobelia are planted most oftenas border plants and in groups of annual plants. They are also one of the most popular container-grown plants. Accompanied by popular balcony species such as geraniums, verbena, bakopa or petunia, they create fantastic colorful cascades.Perennial lobelia go well with other perennials, especially those of lighter colors, such as: rudbeckia, gypsophila, or daylilies.
Due to the interesting varieties and variety of forms, some of the lobelia species are often selected and planted in our gardens.
Cape Lobelia(Lobelia erinus) - is an annual species native to South Africa. It reaches a height of up to 30 cm, and its delicate stems are covered with tiny, shiny, lanceolate green leaves. On the tops of the shoots, in June, tiny bells of white, blue, pink and red flowers appear and last until November. It creates dense pillows and cascades covered with profusely delicate flowers.
Cape Lobelia 'Sapphire'
Fig. depositphotos.com
Among the manyvarieties of Cape lobelia , mention should be made of those with a compact, compact habit - ideal for borders, vigorously growing - good for flower beds, and with overhanging shoots - excellent for growing in hanging pots.Noteworthy here are thecompact variety of Cape lobeliasuch as: 'Crystal Palace' (with dark blue flowers and dark brown-green leaves), 'Blue Carpet' (with blue flowers), ' Purple Star '(pink flowers),' Mrs Clibran '(dark blue flowers with a large white eye),' Rosamund '(red flowers with white eyes),' Rose Moon '(pink flowers),' White Lady '(white flowers) , 'Lilac' (white and pink flowers), 'Mitternachtsblau' (blooms in purple).
Varieties of Cape Lobelia with long stems , intended for growing in hanging containers, are available in series. The most popular of them are: Fountain, Cascade and Regatta. They can be single-color or bicolor white, blue, lilac, and purple-red.
Scarlet lobelia
Fig. Barnes, Dr. Thomas G, Public Domain, wikidata.org
Interestingcrimson lobelia varietiesare: 'Angel Song' (has beautiful salmon and cream colored flowers), 'Blau' (deep blue flowers), 'Twilight Zone' (o pink flowers), 'Alba' (white-flowered variety), 'Ruby Slippers' (dark scarlet flowers).
Shining Lobelia(Lobelia fulgens) - comes from Mexico, where it grows up to 120 cm tall. Its raised stems are reddish, and the leaves growing on them are long and lanceolate. Red bell-shaped flowers gathered in long, spiky inflorescences appear on the tops of the shoots in summer. The plant blooms in July, and flowers are received until the first frost.
Like scarlet lobelia,shiny lobelia is not fully frostproofand requires sheltering for the winter or keeping it in a room at temperatures above 0 ° C. It is suitable as a cut flower and feels great in humid places above water reservoirs. The most interestingvarieties of shiny lobeliaare 'Quuen Victoria' (has beautiful scarlet flowers and purple leaves) and 'St.Elmos Fire '(grows up to 80 cm tall, has scarlet flowers and maroon leaves).
Shining Lobelia 'Queen Victoria'
Fig. Wouter Hagens, Public Domain, commons.wikimedia.org
Lobelia prefers sheltered locations , warm and, depending on the species, sunny or semi-shaded or even shady locations. The soil for lobelia must be fertile, humus, permeable and moist with a slightly acidic pH of 5.5-6.5. Plants are planted in the ground or placed outside (if grown in containers) after May 15, when the risk of frost is gone.
Lobelia are easy to grow, but require a lot of attention and careAdequate moisture is essential for the proper development of lobelia. It is necessary to regularlywater lobelia , especially on hot, hot days (those growing in containers on balconies need to be watered even twice a day).When planting lobelia in containers, one must not forget about drainage at the bottom of the pot, as lobelia do not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, at the bottom of the pot, before pouring in the soil, it is worth putting a 5-centimeter layer of garden gravel or expanded clay.
Due to the large green mass and abundant flowering,lobelia require intensive fertilization , which we start in April and continue throughout the growing season. Every 2 weeks we feed the plants with a multi-component fertilizer, preferably one for flowering plants.
Lobelia turned 'Fan Scarlet'
Fig. Kasik5, forum.PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl
After flowering for the first time,trim the lobelia shootseven 1/3 of their length to encourage the plants to flower and bloom again.
Perennial lobelia can basically overwinter in the ground , but in regions with a harsher climate, they must be properly covered (covered with a thick layer of compost, dry leaves, sawdust, garden bark or conifers sprigs) or moved to the winter for a cool and bright room. Lobelia is the most frost-resistant of the species cultivated in Poland
Lobelia grown in our gardensand on balconies we can reproduce in two ways. Both annuals and perennial species reproduce by sowing seeds. Perennial lobelia (perennial) can also be propagated by dividing clumps.
Lobelia propagation from seeds- Lobelia seeds are sown in February or March. Seeds should be sown in a box with drainage and a permeable substrate, and then covered with glass or foil. The seeds germinate at 18-20 ° C after about 2 weeks. The box should be ventilated frequently to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. When the seedlings have 2-3 leaves each, they can be pierced in clumps into pots or boxes. Lobelia seedlings are planted permanently in May.
Lobelia reproduction by dividing a clump- perennial lobelia can be propagated by dividing clusters in the period from April to June.We divide the mature clump into several parts and first plant the cuttings in individual pots so that they can root better. We plant new plants into the ground after April 15th.
MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak