Decorative plants - Page 23

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"align=left height=110 width=110 ivy. How and when to prune the common ivy? "
Thanks to the correct cut, the ivy will branch well and thicken. By cutting the ivy, we can also inhibit the growth of a creeper that has already grown too large. See how and when to trim the common ivy to make it a nice garden decoration. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 of the thuja from the inside. Why do thujas turn brown inside and how to prevent it? "
Seemingly completely he althy and lush green thujas in the center of the crown can hide an unpleasant surprise in the form of brown and dry twigs. Here are the top 5 reasons why thuja turns brown on the inside. See what to do in such a situation! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 fir - varieties, cultivation, trimming "
Douglas fir is perfect for planting alone or in a hedge, creating dense green covers. Ornamental, dwarf varieties of Douglas fir, on the other hand, will work well in small gardens, on feldspar and moors. See what the cultivation of Douglas fir in the garden looks like. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 thuja into a spiral. Step by step to a beautiful conifer! "
Trimming thuja in a spiral has become fashionable, and fancifully trimmed trees and shrubs more and more decorate our gardens.Therefore, we suggest how to make a cut to form a thuja into a spiral with an attractive appearance. This simple instruction for cutting thuja into a spiral will guide you step by step through all the steps. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 - varieties, cultivation, cutting "
Tamarisk is a deciduous shrub with an irregular shape. It is particularly decorative during the flowering period, which, depending on the species, falls in early spring or summer. See what the cultivation of tamarisk looks like, when to cut this shrub and what varieties of tamarisk should be planted in the garden. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 larch - varieties, cultivation, trimming "
Japanese larch has gained its popularity thanks to its interesting habit and easy cultivation. Since it tolerates air pollution very well, it is great for urban planting.Meet the most recommended varieties of Japanese larch and see how the cultivation of larch in the garden looks like. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 goldfish - cultivation, trimming, reproduction "
Japanese goldenrod is a hardy deciduous shrub, effective all year round. In spring and summer, we can admire its golden-yellow flowers, and in winter, when the leaves fall, shiny green shoots are revealed. See what the cultivation of gold in the garden looks like. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 veins - varieties, cultivation, cutting, reproduction "
Zylistek is a deciduous ornamental shrub that blooms in shades of white and pink. Varicose veins can be planted in groups or singly, as well as in the form of uncut hedges. Find out what the cultivation of varicose veins looks like and what its requirements are. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 broom - growing, cutting, reproducing "
Broom broom is a deciduous shrub with an irregular shape and lush flowering. Its butterfly flowers decorate the garden in spring, and dark green shoots distinguish this shrub in the fall. See what the cultivation of broom in the garden looks like and what its requirements are. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 rust. Spraying and rust control on juniper "
Signs of rust on juniper include swellings and jelly-like orange sprouts on the shoots. This disease is very dangerous because it is easily spread from junipers to other plants, such as pear, hawthorn and rowan. See how to fight rust on junipers and what are the recommended sprays. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 a willow. How and when to prune the willow? "
Pruning willow is usually an easy operation, but we need to know that different species of willow are trimmed differently.That is why it is worth discussing the principles of cutting individual types of willows in detail. See how and when to properly trim the willow to make it look attractive and fully decorate your garden! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 rozłogowa - cultivation, varieties, reproduction "
Dąbrówka rozłogowa is a perennial with interesting, colorful leaves, strongly growing with the help of runners. It has earned the reputation of a popular cover plant that, in addition to decorative leaves, has unusual blue flowers. See what the cultivation of the root beetle looks like and what interesting varieties of the oak beetle are worth choosing for your garden. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 paradise - varieties, cultivation, reproduction "
Parzydło perennial is an impressive perennial that grows perfectly in shady corners of gardens. It looks good under trees, planted as a background for other shade-loving plants.See what the cultivation and reproduction of the forest sting looks like, as well as what varieties of stinging should be planted in the garden. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 Euonymus - varieties, cultivation, cutting "
Fortune's Euonymus is a small, undemanding and easy-to-grow evergreen shrub. Interesting varieties of Fortune's Euonymus are available, differing in habit, strength and color of leaves, which can be green, motley or light edge. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 - diseases and pests "
Among the fungal diseases, powdery mildew attacks the most frequently, which causes the euonymus to fail to grow, it loses its leaves and withers. Due to pests, we can observe that the euonymus leaves are chewed and have holes. See how to fight diseases and pests of the euonymus so that the bush will again impress with its appearance! Read more … ◄ BACK.NEXT ►
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