Table of contents
"align=left height=110 width=110 rust - combating, spraying, preventing "
Pear rust is a disease that increasingly affects pear trees. It mainly damages pear leaves but can also attack fruit. In the event that pear rust appears in our garden every year, measures should be taken to combat pear rust. See what the prevention of this disease looks like and what spraying against pear rust should be done to minimize the losses caused by this pear disease. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 scab - spraying and ecological control "
Pear scab is a fungal disease, the symptoms of which are most often observed on pear leaves and fruit. This description and photos will help you recognize the symptoms of pear scab. We suggest the most effective sprays and methods for ecological control of scab on pears grown in home and allotment gardens. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 stone leaf spot - symptoms, control, spraying "
Small leaf spot in stone trees is the most common and deadly disease of cherries. The disease often causes cherries to shed their leaves prematurely, even before the fruit is harvested. See how to fight small spot of stone trees, which preparations are recommended and when to spray them to work effectively. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 stone rot - fighting, protection measures "
Stone rot of stone trees is a dangerous disease that causes fruit to rot on the tree. As a result of infection, the fruit becomes covered with putrefying brown spots and gray warts. This disease affects cherries and plums, as well as peaches and apricots. See how to protect fruit trees from brown rot. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 rot of pome trees - combating, spraying "
Brown rot of pome trees, also known as moniliosis, is one of the major diseases of apple and pear trees, caused by the fungus Moniliana fructigena. It is especially dangerous in rainy and warm summers, and its main symptom is fruit rot on trees. See how to protect apples and pears from this disease. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 leaf curl - ecological control and spraying "
Peach leaf curl is one of the most dangerous diseases of peaches and, unfortunately, very common. It is absolutely necessary to combat leaf curl. However, before we reach for spraying, it is worth finding out what the symptoms of frizz can be confused with (almost nobody talks about it!), What is the best spraying term and which plant protection products are really effective. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 cancer of fruit trees - symptoms, combating "
Bacterial cancer of fruit trees is a disease that affects many species of fruit trees, and symptoms of bacterial cancer may appear on many organs of trees, but the most characteristic is leakage of a rubbery substance from under cracks on the bark. See if such trees can still be saved and how the fight against bacterial cancer in fruit trees looks like. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 diseases and their treatment "
Apple diseases can lead to a reduction in the quality and quantity of the yield, the weakening of whole trees, and even their dieback. It is worth learning to recognize the individual diseases of apple trees and learn about the methods of combating them. These are the most common apple diseases and how to combat them in allotment and home gardens. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 storage diseases "
Apple storage diseases are a very big problem today, not only for fruit growers but also for people who have several apple trees in their home or allotment garden. Therefore, it is worth learning how to prevent storage diseases and what to do in case of their occurrence. These are the most common storage diseases of apples. See what remedy will best protect your apples from rotting and mold. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 spraying. When to spray cherries for worms, aphids and diseases? "
Cherries are trees that produce tasty, well-liked fruits. Unfortunately, they are also trees that are susceptible to pest attacks and many diseases. Only cherry spraying, performed regularly every year, can save us from damaging the fruit. See when to spray cherries for worms, aphids and the diseases that most often attack these trees. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 cherries. How to protect cherries against fruit cracking? "
The cracking of sweet cherry fruits is a very troublesome phenomenon, although it occurs irregularly. It depends a lot on the course of the weather. Therefore, in one year, cherries can burst en masse, and in another year, there will be no problem. However, we have no influence on the weather. So, can we somehow protect cherries from cracking? Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 to remove worms from cherries and can such fruits be eaten? "
We can come across worms in cherries most often in fruits harvested in the second half of June or later. Their appearance is prevented by spraying with insecticides. But if we haven't sprayed the trees, there is still a chance to remove worms from the fruits that have already been harvested. The method is very simple and safe, and you can eat such fruits. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 cherry varieties "
The worming of cherries is caused by a pest - the trześniówka seedfly. Fighting the seedworm is quite difficult, so in order to avoid worming of the fruit, it is worth choosing early varieties of cherries, less susceptible to worming, for cultivation. See what varieties you can grow cherries without worms! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 and currant diseases "
Leaf diseases are particularly dangerous in the cultivation of gooseberries and currants.If the infestation occurs early, they can lead to a rapid loss of leaves, which in turn translates into a worse yield in the current year and a significant reduction in the yield in the following year. In order to prevent severe infestation by leaf diseases, it is worth learning to recognize their symptoms in order to react as quickly as possible to the emerging lesions. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 gooseberry mildew "
American gooseberry mildew is a disease that quite commonly affects gooseberries. Symptoms of the disease can be seen on leaves, shoots, and also on gooseberries. Fruits attacked by powdery mildew are unfortunately no longer fit for consumption. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the methods of fighting this disease, the gooseberry protection program against powdery mildew and how to prevent the appearance of powdery mildew in our garden. Read more … ◄ BACK.NEXT ►