Composting in plastic bags. The easy way to cut grass and fall leaves!

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Our gardens generate a lot of green waste , such as vegetable and fruit remnants, shoots and branches after plant trimming, grass clippings or fallen leaves. The currentregulations do not allow for their burning , and municipalities usually collect only small amounts of green waste (for a larger amount you have to pay extra). What to do with this surplus if we don't have a composter? The solution iscomposting in plastic bagsThis way you will get rid of green waste and get the perfect fertilizer for free!

You can compost leaves in plastic bags

Report on the new, extremely fast method of composting in plastic bags, prepared for you by Rafał Okułowicz, publisher of
"In a moment you will learn how to quickly and ecologically get rid of green waste from your garden, such as autumn leaves or mowed grass. And without a composter. The side effect will be the perfect fertilizer for your plants: -) "

What to do with excess grass clippings and autumn leaves?

Until recently, it was common practice on plots and gardens to burn leaves, branches and other plant residues that could not be recomposted, e.g. because the composter was too small or absent at all. A lot of such fires in the gardens were noticeable especially in the fall, whenon the plots, fallen leaves from the trees were burned
Unfortunatelyburning leaves and other green waste in the garden gives off irritating smokeAnd although we were used to getting rid of leaves or grass clippings in such a way, the current regulations categorically forbid it.There is a fine of up to PLN 500 for burning green waste in gardens
The method provided for by the regulations isgiving green waste to municipalities, in accordance with the rules of segregation and waste collectionSo, for example, autumn leaves collected from the garden are collected in plastic bags and put out in front of the property within the prescribed period. The problem, however, is thatmunicipalities set limits on this waste(e.g. 2 or 4 bags of leaves per property), and in our garden there may be much more of them!

Have you collected a lot of bags with leaves? The commune will not take all of them!

Fortunately, you can get rid of this surplus of green waste in a very simple, fast, ecological and legal way. Leaves collected from the garden, mowed grass and other green waste can be composted in plastic bags , even the same ones to which we collected the waste. We will make a compost without a composter. We will obtain valuable organic fertilizer to be used in the entire garden, for all plants!

Good to know!
When composting in plastic bags, rains do not wash away valuable minerals from the compost, as is the case with traditional piles or composting in openwork composters. This is an important advantage for gardeners of bagged composting. Thanks to this method, we obtain compost extremely rich in minerals, so necessary for our plants.

How to make compost in plastic bags?

For composting green waste from the garden, thick and durable black plastic bags are usedThe bags are only partially filled so that they can still be tied.Then it is punctured in several places with a sharp tool or even a stick to get oxygen inside and put it away in some secluded place in the garden.
The bags can be used to compost leaves, grass, fruit and vegetable remnantsand other green remnants of allotment crops. In order to obtain a good compost mass, various components must be mixed together. Then we will get the compost a little faster. Once a month, it is worth shaking the bags and moving them upside down so that the green mass composts evenly (that's why the bags must be tied, otherwise everything would fall out).

Bag with leaves prepared for composting

You can even compost only the leaves , which are harvested in the garden in autumn. A unique type of compost will be formed from them, the so-called leaf soil. In order for the composting process to run smoothly, it is worth packing moist leaves into bags and adding a dose of nitrogen fertilizer, such as e.g.urea fertilizer (about 50 g or 2 tablespoons of urea per bag of leaves) or an Active Composter designed especially for this purpose. Leaves fallen from trees are low in nitrogen. Meanwhile, the presence of nitrogen significantly speeds up the composting process. Thereforenitrogen addition in the case of composting only leaves is indicated
It is also recommendedpre-shredding the leaves, which on the one hand will reduce their volume, and on the other hand will speed up the process of their decompositionWe can shred the leaves using a mulching mower or the so-called a garden vacuum cleaner with the function of shredding collected leaves.
Unfortunately,despite all these efforts, it takes at least a year to obtain fully mature compost from the leaves aloneAnd somehow I cannot imagine that these bags of leaves, filled in autumn, would stand in the garden all spring and summer , being a dubious decoration of our green oasis. Even more so, if someone couldn't find a secluded place for a composter, where should they keep those bags of rubbish? , to be used during spring work and first fertilization? So that
bags with composted leaves and other green waste do not stay in the garden for too long ?

And now we are accelerating. Compost ready in 3 months!

As it turns out - there is a proven solution. It will allowto get ready, fully mature compost in just 3 months !
This means that if in autumn we collect fallen leaves, mowed grass and other waste from the beds and pack them into bags, they will only stop in the garden in winter. During this time, little is done here anyway. Ain the spring, when we start working in the garden, we will have the compost readyAll these bags will disappear and their contents will go to the beds and plants. You can also rake it on the lawn. The waste is settled, and we have valuable fertilizer. Almost free!
To obtain mature compost in such a short time, it is enough to add a small amount of Trigger-4 composting biopreparation to the green waste collected in the bagsThe sachet with the preparation contains a powder containing beneficial bacteria, enzymes and other accelerating ingredients composting process.Their action is so strong that Trigger-4 is used to compost various rubbish in landfills, biomass in municipal composting plants or organic waste that is difficult to recompost, such as sawdust, paper, wood, faeces. with our garden waste, such as the remaining parts of vegetables and fruit, dead flowers collected from flower beds, mowed grass or fallen leaves in autumn,
bacteria contained in Trigger-4 will easily cope with it in a short time

Preparation for composting in bags Trigger-4
Fig. ©

Use of Trigger-4 for composting in bags

When buying Trigger-4, you can choose a set containing100g dose and 2 composting bags with a capacity of 80 litersand instructions for use. These bags are black, suitably thick and have the necessary ventilation holes already made.But, of course, we can also use ordinary plastic bags and make holes in them ourselves.
The bags are filled with garden waste , shredded and mixed if possible. It is also possible to pack, for example, only the leaves into bags, without their initial shredding. One bag can be filled for up to 7 days.
When the bag is full,in the raw compost mass collected in the bag, make a recess(with a stick or shovel handle)and pour a dose of Trigger-4biopreparation. We use it in the amount of 50 g (half a sachet) per 80 liter bag.

Set for composting in bags
Fig. ©

We tie the bag and set it aside in any airy, preferably shaded place in the gardenYou can put the bags right away under the trees to be fertilized, because soon darkness will start to flow out of the bags liquid, which is a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.You can also place the bags on trays or bowls to which the liquid will flow. We will be able to use it later to fertilize plants after diluting with water.
After adding Trigger-4 to the organic material composted in thebag, after about 1 month we will getquick compost, which can be used as a mulch.Fresh compost in 2 months , which can be sprinkled under the plants in order to fertilize them and enrich the soil with organic matter.After 3 months, we will obtain fully mature compost , perfect for fertilizing all garden plants.
After all,if we collect garden waste into compost bags in autumn, we will have fully mature compost by spring, ready to be used in the garden!

The fast and reliable effect of Trigger-4 has been confirmed by research and numerous opinions from satisfied gardeners and gardeners.

I recommend the Trigger set and compost bags. At last, compost production is pure pleasure and speed.Tomasz, Sulechów

I have a small garden and no space for a composter. Composting in bags, which can be moved around if necessary, is a great solution. I fill the bags in autumn, and in spring the compost is ready :-)Anna, Chełmno

I recommend adding the Trigger-4 biopreparation to the compost. Proven effectiveness in previous seasons. Compost no longer stinks and is ready very quickly.Andrzej, Drawsko Pomorskie

The sets containing the Trigger-4 preparation and 2 compost bagscan be ordered in the shop of our guide. You will quickly find out how easy it is to compost. To go to the store, press the image below.


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