Zantedeschia, arisema and Italian pictures are the most popularplants from the picture familyThey are suitable for cultivation in the ground, and in the garden they delight with their unusual, exotic flowers. See whatcultivating calla lilies, arisemas and Italian pictureslooks like in the garden and learn about other interesting species of picture plants suitable for the garden.
Zantedeschia surprises with the colors of her flowers
UnusualPicture plants(Araceae) come from tropical regions, therefore they are associated rather with pot cultivation.Meanwhile, with a little effort related to learning about the cultivation methods and the requirements of a given species, we can successfully introduce some of them to our gardens.The picture family consists of over 4,000 species and there is really a lot to choose from. Most of them come from tropical regions, so they are sensitive to the cold and can only decorate our flower beds seasonally. Although there are of course exceptions - some of them may winter in the garden, it is enough to cover the place of cultivation with mulch in autumn. We should not be discouraged by those species whose bulbs need to be dug out for the winter, as we have been dealing with other flowers, such as garden dahlias and gladioli for a long time. Nevertheless, we do not give up growing them.
A characteristic feature of manyspecies belonging to the picture familyis the original inflorescence. It consists of a flask on which the proper flowers (male or female) grow, and a decorative scabbard surrounding it, which serves as a decoy for pollinators.It is also often a trap structure that captivates insects. The sheath itself has the shape of a funnel going down the stem and widening at the top, it has a very rich color scheme, depending on the species and variety. Picture-shaped flowers are often pollinated by flies, so the flask often has a long, dark-colored appendix embedded on it. The appendages generally give off a specific, intense smell intended to attract insects.
The most interesting plants from the picture family that can be planted into the ground for the period from spring to autumn are: calla lilies, arisemes and pictures. They have a great variety of colors and original flower shapes.
Zantedeschia Captain Prado, apart from beautiful flowers, also has decorative, mottled leaves
Zantedeschia need a fertile soil , warm and moist with a pH around 7 (neutral to slightly alkaline). They prefer sunny positions. Plants usually reach a height of 50-60 cm. Flowering occurs in spring and lasts about 1.5 months. After flowering, the leaves gradually dry up (usually during this period in their natural environment, there are 2 months of drought) and for the period of just 2 months the plant goes into a state of dormancy. It should not be watered then. At the end of summer, we dig out the underground rhizomes and put them in pots, storing them at about 10 ° C until the end of the year. Then we move the pots to a room at room temperature and start watering. We water the most intensively when the first flower buds show up.
Depending on the variety,calla lily flowersmay be yellow: Captain Tendens, Captain Amigo, Black Magic; pink: Captain Rosette; orange: Mozart, Firelights; dark burgundy: Schwarzwalder, Black Star or white and green: Green Goddess. But perhaps some of the most beautiful are Captain Amigo and Captain Rosette. Some of the varieties, in addition to beautiful flowers, also have decorative, mottled leaves: Captain Tendens, Schwarzwalder and Black Star. "
Italian pictures - the main decoration is red-orange fruit, appearing after fading
Italian pictures(Arum italicum) come from a temperate climate and are one of the few plants of this family, resistant to low temperatures, therefore they can successfully overwinter in the ground. However, they will not be harmed by autumn mulching, which will prevent possible damage to the rhizome by heavy frost.Plant the tubers in the spring, while flowering takes place in the summer months.
Italian pictures requireshaded, humus soil and moist soil. They grow (together with the flower) to approx. 30 - 40 cm. heights. The flower's scabbard is yellow-green in color, with a yellow flask emitting an intense fragrance. Apart from the flower, the flask has additional decorative qualities - after it fades, very ornamental red-orange fruits are formed on the flask (remember, however, that the fruits are poisonous). It also has beautiful green leaves with white veins.
Arisema delights with the extraordinary beauty and exoticism of its flowers. In the photo: Arisaema consanguineum
Arisemy(Arisaema) are still little known, although more and more sought after. They delight with the extraordinary beauty and exoticism of their flowers. Apart from this very important value, they turn out to be plants as resistant to frost as the pictures.Usually they are about 40 cm high. Flowering occurs in the spring, then the main tuber dies off to form a new, young tuber. Arisemes prefer humus soils as well as shaded and even forested places. This is quite an important feature, because generally few beautiful plants can tolerate or even require a shaded position. And yet such places are also found in our gardens.
Colors andflower structure of arisemais very diverse. The colors are not as expressive as in calla lilies, as it is usually in the shade, but quite original, and the flower scabbard itself has a very exotic look. The color of the vagina, depending on the variety, can be burgundy (Sikokianum), green (Graffiti), pink (Nepenthoides) or white-pink (Candidissimum), but usually additionally mottled or striped. The exception is Cv. Tortuosum with a uniformly yellow-green flower scabbard. "
Arisaema thunbergii
" Probably the most original of the mentioned varieties is Sikokianum.It has a beautiful, maroon perianth, white striped with a pure white inside and an equally white, interesting butt end. Noteworthy are the striped white and pink flowers of the Candidissimum variety, which look great against the background of contrasting green leaves. "
Among the picture plants there are also other curiositiesThe most exotic-looking representatives of this family of ornamental plants are undoubtedly Dziwadło and Dracunculus, which is also reflected in their nomenclature. " these are extremely interesting plants.
Dziwadło - Arum Cortnutum
Dziwadło(Arum Cortnutum) begins to bloom before the leaves appear, which actually develop after the flowers have faded. It has an original, very tall inflorescence with a dark scabbard surrounding it. Inside the vagina is a butt with a long, brown protrusion that emits a strong unpleasant odor and often grows above the vagina.Despite this smell, it is wise to have such a unique plant in the garden, especially as the tubers are edible. He likes moist positions and very fertile, humus soil. It does not tolerate overdrying. Unfortunately, Dziwadło is not frost-resistant, so in autumn the tubers should be dug out and stored in dry peat until spring.
Dracunculus vulgaris - Dracunculus vulgaris
Dracunculus vulgaris(Dracunculus vulgaris syn. Arum dracunculus) sometimes called the Dragon Lily, also belongs to the genus of the picture and has not only an interesting flower, but also beautiful leaves. They are green, palmate, cut and wavy. In summer, flowers emerge, surrounded by a magnificent burgundy sheath, large (about 1 m high), spreading at the top and wavy at the edges. Flowers form a funnel at the base and are a kind of trap for their pollinators, which are flies. The beauty of this plant will not be disturbed even by the unpleasant smell produced by the cob.It reaches a height of up to 2 m. Like a freak, it is sensitive to frost, so it should be excavated in the fall. It prefers warm, moist and very fertile soils.
Caladium - Caladium
Besides these beautiful picture-like representatives, with wonderful ornamental flowers, an interesting plant iskaladium(Caladium). Usually associated as a home caladium grown in pots, but also suitable as a seasonal garden plant. It does not have a beautiful flower, but only a very inconspicuous, thin flask. On the other hand, the extremely colorful splendor of the leaves provides enough attractiveness to this beautiful plant.Caladium leavesare heart-sagittal in shape, with a very distinct innervation, usually of a different, contrasting color than that of the lamina. Colored gills, however, are surrounded by a green border at the edges.
This plant forms small clumps, growing up to about 40 cm. It prefers semi-shaded or bright positions, but not in direct sunlight, and warm, fertile and moist soil.He does not like drying out, but also sprinkling leaves. Only at the end of summer do we stop watering it, and when the leaves are dry, we dig up the tuber and store it in dry peat until spring, in a room with a temperature of 18 ° C. Kaladium does not tolerate low temperatures.
Themost interesting varieties of caladiuminclude: red with a green border - Irene Dank, Freida Hemple (more intense coloration); white with a green border - Aaron; pink, green edged - Aaron and the most original Florida Moonlight with white-green plate and red, distinct veins. However, their great beauty comes at a price, as they are completely poisonous. Therefore, the care procedures should be carried out in protective gloves and in places inaccessible to children. "
Katarzyna Józefowicz