Other than the rest - roses with simple flowers

When growing simple-flowered roses, one should bear in mind that in many respects their care differs from varieties with full flowers.In order to dispel doubts related to the care of roses with simple flowers, we have prepared a list of the most popular questions about these varieties together with the answers.

What makes simple-flowered roses so special?

Forms with such flowers are distinguished by the unpretentious beauty of old wild rose forms and thus perfectly reflect the atmosphere of a natural garden.Besides, they attract more bees.

How does the care of simple-flower roses differ from the care of full varieties?

Most full-flowered roses in rainy periods may have stuck petals, forming a so-called flower mummies.This means we have a lot of work to do to remove faded flowers.

Straight flowered varieties simply lose their petals, which are then blown away by the wind. We do not make summer cuts.

Do all straight-flowered roses bear fruit in autumn?

Most roses do, because the flowers can be pollinated without any problems.

Are straight-flowered roses too large and therefore unsuitable for home gardens?

Not all varieties of straight-flowered roses are large shrubs.Currently, there are many varieties that are similar in size to the average multi-flower rose.

Supposedly, single flowering of simple-flowered roses is their disadvantage and therefore they are less attractive than other varieties. Is it true?

We dream that all plants will bloom throughout the season. Roses that bloom only once a season give such a spectacle that these repeated blooms are no match for them.Their flowering period often lasts for many weeks and begins in May, which cannot be achieved with twice blooming roses .

Popular rose varieties with simple flowers

The flowering season for repeating roses begins (with some exceptions) in June. In our opinion, the most interesting varieties of dwarf rose include 'Coco', which has a compact habit and reaches a height of no more than 40 centimeters.The eyes are especially attracted by their yellow anthers.

The dwarf variety 'Lupo' also has a very strong coloration, reaching a height of 50 centimeters. The 'Fortuna' variety, suitable for low, extensive bedding, will also grow up to 50 centimeters high.

Diseases and pests of roses

Among the higher varieties of simple-flowered roses, the small bushy variety 'Escimo', reaching up to 80 centimeters, should be mentioned.The unique flower captivates with its naturalness and can be grown both as a solitaire and in carpet plantings.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the 'Celina' variety, blooming since May, reaching a height of 60-80 centimeters. Amateurs of strongly fragrant flowers should also be interested in 'Sweet Pretty', which can reach between 60 and 80 centimeters high.

A bushy variety of 'Escapade', suitable for hedges, can grow up to a meter high.The highest variety in the list, 'Dortmund', is a climbing rose that is very resistant to frost, reaching a height of up to 350 centimeters.

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